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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. I was using the 'Loop system 50 yrs ago in the UK. You Guy's are only just catching up ?????????????
  2. If you are coming via Buckhorn Narrows, you will get to the lake within about 10klms. I only know of 2 launch places and they are right on Lakehurst Rd. I believe that the fire Rte you are looking for is on Lakehurst Circle. I can check it out and PM you if tou like?
  3. Thank you, oh Hallowed one, thankyou
  4. I wonder sometimes, why some people cant take a rule/law at face value,but, will search for any way to circumvent the law, to suit their " needs ' This is not intended to flame anyone, but I find this kind of subject turns up quite often. OK........fire away !!!
  5. Sorry I missed you Cliff, I was there Sat. for the opener. What a circus !!!!!! 5 boats came in casting to shore and 6/7 guys on shore casting out, Tangled lines, the works. I left to fish off the deck, and ,apparently, one boat perched at the corner of the bay and started casting across fishing lines. The people in the boats were complete JERKS. Thats IT for me on opener, gonna leave it to JERKS in boats, who find it necessary to crowd people out just for the sake of a few fish. There! my one and only rant.
  6. When I get there, will ya put me onto some as well??? Ya can always put Crappie onto Meely, he cleans 'em real good
  7. I took a trip down to the Peterborough Outdoor Recreational show today.Not a big show, but stopped at a booth, where they do boat reps/ refinishes.Was I impressed ! you betcha. They had on show two boats they had done, forgot to ask the Models. One was a 1995 Aluminum and the other was a 1975 Fiberglass. They both looked brand new, with Casting deck, carpet, seat covering, plus hull repairs. Saw some befor/after pics. As I said I WAS impressed! so much so I said I would mention them on here. Elite Fiberglass & Marine Phone 705-761-91777 I have no affiliation with these young men, and I dont get impressed easily. Mods , This is not intended as Spam,and hope you dont think so. But, you may act accordingly.
  8. G'dammit !!! I thought it was tomorrow.............. Anyway Norm, hope ya had a great day and did'nt get stuffed on cake' Jack
  9. I thought the same at the time, I figure the only cold water Glen knows is in a glass with ice cubes, But then again,,,,,,,,,would it be water???? Damn good info anyway Glen. Thanks.
  10. As Paul said, they are called "Paper mouths". The mouth is so thin its easy to rip the hook loose. When I started on Crappie I was setting the hook too hard[too much Bass fishing LOL], I have found just a steady firm pull does the trick. But then, I'm no expert.
  11. Sorry to hear about your "friend" Bernie. Tough decision, I had to do it just about 2yrs ago Lasted 14mths then had to get another. Unfortunately they do become part of the family too easily.
  12. [beans, CPH, do you think we should let Meely in on "the PLACE?"
  13. Please accept mine and Jackie condolences, tough to take !! At least, as you say, he is at peace now. I lost my father many years ago now, and still admonish myself for being unable to get to the funeral on time. [in England ]
  14. Kudos to TJ and all the Mods for a task well done. This site gets me thro' the long Winters. Only thing is, with this dialup I dont have time to compare with other sites.........................but who needs 'em anyway.
  15. Way ta go Lew !! My boats got smaller as I got older, I see you are going in the opposite direction. Hope ya gets lots of good times in her. Beauty !!!!
  16. Sad to hear of your loss Lew, Jackie and I send you our condolences.
  17. 10cent Coffee that is Duh
  18. Remember the 10 cent ??
  19. Thanks for you comments Folks. Mukluk. I use Basswood mostly sometimes Butternut ChrisK. Thats where I got the idea from! Roy. I will be putting it into 2 Shows this year Sinker. If you join a carving club, you will get a lot of help with your decoys GoneFishin. You dont know what ya can do 'til ya try. A carving club will give you all the help you need Thanks again, Good People !!
  20. Welcome back Rick, always best to be home. Ya still have to take it easy tho'.
  21. All you need to do is say that you 'would not re-hire him'. No names, no pack drill.
  22. Just finished my latest carving, I guess I'm rather pleased with it. Thought I would share it with you all. Took about 30hrs to do and is about 5' x 3'' in size. Now i think my eyes are quiting on me
  23. Thanx a lot Wayne, right on the money ! Just hope I can de-cypher all the Gobble de Gook !!
  24. Hi y'all. Ive heard lately that one can claim Travel expenses if you have to travel over 40 k for Medical reasons. Anyone in the know ? Anyone used it ? All answers appreciated.
  25. Dave, We dont have kids of our own, so, we dont really know how you feel. Cant imagine it even. Stay strong for your wife and Izzie Our thought s and best wishes are with you. Jack and Jackie
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