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Everything posted by bowshep

  1. Well Bly when are you turning pro. Nice job. Peace Ken
  2. you can request that they only email you it is a legal Document and acts as a signature for contract disputes. 50% of our bussness is run this way to create work orders and we have taken propertiy groups to court for funds and have won everytime. Most of my personal bussness is done this way and have found no probloms with it. Secound of all ask for proof that they sent it because, you are demanding to see it. Peace Ken
  3. Fish for Pike because the Wallie's are full. Peace Ken
  4. Nice Post and keep the joy. Peace Ken
  5. Is their a Master list of teams and the members on each team. l want to send the sorry you suck list out early lol. l am not going to do that, just want to know if their is a list that we can view. Peace Ken
  6. Nice story Nice Catch and congrats on the 40 inch club. Peace Ken
  7. Good Job Sonny. Peace Ken
  8. I hope everything was spelled right so l don't get blamed for this one. lm still haveing Humble Pie from the last Time l let my fingers talk for me. Peace Ken And 220 inch's good for your group but we know something that you don't HEHEHEHEHEHE
  9. Wow this site really slowed down with the posts. You would think their is a thousand people going to Lakair. What it really says is that most of the people going are the largest contributers of the postings. We still have Mike the Pike, Misfish and a few others still here but l have a feeling that if they could they, would be there too. We should start a members drive, while they are all having fun. Peace Ken
  10. WOW!!!!!!!!!!! what pics and what a Job. Peace Ken
  11. YYYYYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Steve Congrates Team 5 the Up Scalers Rock I see your sign can take a beatin' Peace Ken
  12. Yes l don't know you and Yes your A PRO and know alot more than me on trout fishing. But most of all l would like to appoligize for the XXX-x-XXX and useing your name as refferance. Its not that wish to interfere in your posts but for me the one on the top would have been good enough to show. Peace Ken
  13. Then the limit should be reduced. 5 fish in one outing is more than l would catch in a day but l wouldn't kill 5 fish in a year. Your a Pro taking money out of your own pocket because lm not going to use u to be my guide. l don't know if lm alone on this but this is my right let them go, l want to catch fish 4 ever. Sir Kill Alot l am not. Peace Ken After Roys Comment: yes you are right l will kill some. l will even eat some its just my opinion and l don't want everyone to be me but it would be nice then thier will be more fat, balding old guys.
  14. River Trout and then the Other Fish
  15. Ah Carp. l'm not a Jr. fan. Jr has no dedication behind the wheel and if he wasn't holding his fathers cape he would be pushing a wheel Barrel. Gordan has been pushed down from the fan's for a long time about having a silver spoon, like Jr. is poor, or when Gorden won a championship by haveing a car to go around the track for a lap (l would have done the same thing) Well l have no say so here we go. Peace Ken
  16. l know that bow he laughed at me for 3 hours and then he called his friends and they all came to laugh at me Peace Ken
  17. Well its about time. The Up Scalers have been fishing off the Party Boat for a while all by ourselves thinking that so one is interested in this little friendly compition. Now if we can get the rest off them going it will be alot more fun congrats on the lead. l want a recount LOL. Let the game begin. Peace Ken PS FISH ON lol
  18. Cubs, Scouts,Ventures and Rovers. Participated in 5 Jamb... all in North America, in a winter Camp North of Kap our scout troop competed with kids from all over the world and we won first place. But the best part is that we got to meet alot of people from all over the world. It really helped when the temp got blow the minus 45 range and everyone was at our camp because we had the wormest shelter. Had a scout groups from Alabama and Mexico move in and stay with us for the rest of the camp, still didnt understand what ether one said. Its was a blast sorry for anyone else that gos into it now with all the wavers and ins. coasts. Still some of my best memories
  19. GREAT JOB JEN one of your best yet Thanks. Peace Ken
  20. And all done with flip flops. Well done and Health and happiness!!!!! Peace Ken
  21. the spark is controled by the fly wheel. Between the crank and the Flywheel their is a shear pin. This system was set up so that if the engine came to a sudden stop the momentom of the fly wheel will not snap the crank and to aid in alinement for spark for the timming . If your mower starts then in general your crank is ok and the shear pin has been damaged. Pop the flywheel off and replace the shear pin. Since you are going to the store anyhow you might pick up and extra blade so you can have a sharp blade all the time and reduse the ree and ree of the blade so the lawn can get cut faster and you can get out fishing. Another thing a few bags of soil and a bit of sod will raise the ground around the root to reduse the blade bending possabilities. Peace Ken Ops Manager LPGC (landscape/maintinance/irriagation/Design)
  22. Trippers: Damn the slangs change its amazing what happens as the years go on. Very soon lm going to need depends but l think l have to get the floating kind. lol
  23. Things for the camp kit. Pull cord rope comes on a small spool and has about 300yds on it and takes up very little space good of 90% of your rope needs and the real Duct Tape from 3M for anything. Used Duct tape for a crack in a wooden canoe had to change it every half hour but it got us home. A tripper is you, a weekend trip, a week trip, a tripper, day trippers are hikers they are the one's that bring everything and never use it. Peace Ken
  24. Peace Ken
  25. Hey Urbanangler l know you were joking so was l, and nothing l said was false or demorlolzing (well maybe my spelling). Yes Dave can deffend himself but l saw it first. If anything maybe the word scamer is what might have put an undertone on my comment. l don't know if you personaly Know Dave but a scammer he is not, that man has busted his ass off to get were he is. Am l argumentive no l know when lm wrong and am willing to admit when l was wrong, you might need alot of books but l will admit it eventualy. Being Mental oh ya. Peace Ken
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