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Everything posted by bowshep
Hey Deano see you in Mish. We will be behind the consetions on the right side go through the hole in the fence and turn right and walk down the road look for a blue Dakota with the 416 on it. l Would plan just before a dinner we usually cook extra, sat. night is rib night Or look for the OFC sign. Maybe l can prove to you "its not the tool its the man" (W.C. Fields). Peace Ken
Good luck with the turnie but most of all l hope you and your son win. It would be better if you unhooked the battery or shut the fuel off, anyhow may the fish gods be on your side. Peace Ken
l'm a Gordon fan and have been since the begining. Brain you can have Jr. back l don't want him. l think he is another Kyle Petty riding the assFAULT of their fathers. Dale and Richard are Gods of the ovels. Why do people think that they would be the same as their fathers. And who am l going to Booooooo. Well l think Truex would be a good choise probably win a champ. in a few years. So Brian are you going to trade in your wrangler jeans you should, the chaffing should stop lol. Peace Ken
have one in July and every two months after that, have it in different locations to have more people comming out for the events if it is closer to their home. who ever lives near the location can pick out the swill house. You can also be talking deals with the swill house because of the numbers of people that show up. Maybe have OFC product to sell maybe a door prize of fishin stuff. Maybe start up a conservation group or a action group. Peace Ken
Welcome to home. What do you fish for lm up in that area alot so maybe... Lots of good people here, at least they put up with me Peace Ken
End of season storage. Make sure you run the engine dry of gas. It is the most simplest thing to do yet alot don't. As the gas evaporates it will cause carmaling of the injecters and fuel system the shops love you guys 15 min. of work 300 bucks for the tune up. Remove the plugs and spray with a light weight oil to coat the cylinder walls. prevents the rusting of the cylinder walls. Note only had tight the spark plugs you will have to take them out in the sping and be careful not to cross thread the plugs. Change the oil's this will prevent the dirt from settaling on the bottom of your costly parts. Peace Ken Ps l just know engine's
Ok thats about 25 People. Where when. Peace Ken
Stoty never say never l have seen a lawn dart hit two people one in the hand diving to catch it and another persons foot. Just saying Peace Ken Ps that was after war games with pellet guns.
l found a new fishing store in T.O. with some amazing things that they have in Europe from some companie's l have never heard of like Byron, Jaxon and Werek. And lots of carp stuff, oh did l say it was cheep. Line and 3 spinners for 16 bucks, say what you want but the line is strong and the spinners are better looking the Mepps. You also might want to look at his floats some wierd stuff their like controled suspention stuff or another one for bottom bouncing loke l said wierd. The store is called FISHING SPORT ITS AT 846 SHEPPARD AVE. W. NORTH YORK Talk to Gleb (Had him spell it). Its between bathurst and the allen. Peace Ken
Yep and PM'd you Peace Ken
Humber and Bloor you can catch suckers all day long. LOL Peace Ken
Put my name on the list and give me an address Just not on the weekends. Have to be in bed early for fissin'. Peace Ken
Hey Honey do you know were l put the drain plug. Well l see that the float is not selfrighting. Peace Ken
Whats the KM's, did you get a factory or afterMarket towing package, what color, how is the rust, What is the gear ratio and How much. Peace Ken.
Wow we are the same. l keep on thinking that we are different but we are not. Canadians and The Amaricans are the same. We whine and point our fingers at everyone else and then wipe the chicken wing grease of our faces. The medical profession is an educated gess. As long as someone can make a buck we will pay human rights or not. Perscription medication for example. Had a Heart Attack and the meds killed my pocket... had problomes getting the proper food to eat. If we humans would eat properly and exercize thier would be no strain on any medical system. Meaning the really sick ones are getting the attention they need instead of dealing with food poisoning because the Chicken wings were not cooked enough. As a note: l got great care and the people that invented the Stin l owe you a big kiss and l have lost 51lbs and l releave my stress by fissin'. Peace Ken
l hit the scales at 255lbs so lm hoping that the canoe will take some of it off. l like the bush, like being in places that most people don't get to see. Don't get me wrong, the power boat is still in my plan's. Note when ever l have see people in the bush you wave and maybe exchange words but here in T.O. you wave to get a Taxi. Peace Ken
well because of OFC lm looking at a used 22' - 26' Islander. l would normaly start on the small stuff and work my way up. l will have to buy used and l think l can only deal with one persons problom than the probloms of all the others if l started with a 14' tinny with a 9.9. The fact that l can take it on bigger lakes and still do the small ones. If all else fails l have the canoe. Peace Ken
Now that l have my enviromentaly friendly fishing troller (canoe) l am now needing a fish finder. Must be portible, must be able to mount with no screws, must have a its own power source and most important must be tard proof. Peace Ken (l still beleave that rebooting is kicking it again)
bowshep replied to ranger520vx's topic in General Discussion
Great Hello you will have to post alot to get rid of the newbie title, for some strange resson l don't think this is a past time for you lol. Glad to learn from more people. Welcome aboard. Peace Ken -
Brian your Brother, would he happen to be a 6' tall Rabit and only you can see him, but your a nice guy so hear it go's. Well Hello memart what big ears you have and don't you find it difficult to whistle through the teeth and with all that hair you can be a pro Fly Tigher. Joking aside welcome aboard its all family here. Peace Ken
SHHHHHHHHHH no canoe's dont have engines we need a motor boat to have a motor Yes Dear my arms are sore to just keep paddling Peace Ken
Nancy and l had just started camping about a Month ago got all the gear but we had to rent a canoe to get some fishin' in (a few small ones) and the Price we had to pay would have been the tax on a new one. Well we decided yesterday to get a canoe (our first combined Money event). For $1,850 we got 1 fiber glass canoe, 4 paddles, 3 life jackets and cup. We got a package deal of 15% so we went for the better paddles. l am sooo happy this adds alot more possibilitie's in fishin', l will still have limitations but not as much as a ground walker. This most of all, is to thank Nancy for helping me get the canoe. And yes keep on asking about the power boats with cuddy's . Peace Ken
If you can smell the water don't eat the fish. Lake Nippissing smells like lake O durring shadefly season but that go's away. Lake O is a mess this is not new stuff. Just in road salt alone lake O is taking a Beating but eveyone will blame Big Brother as they fire a cig. butt into the water or beleave that all season radials are for the winter. l can rant for ever on this ... Peace Ken
Why is it when you make knots they can fail but a baitcaster can tie a knot with eazzzzz. Since working with the bait caster l have gotten alot better at untieing knots. Well its cheaper than cutting off 20 ft of line. I'm not sure if l like OFC for all the help from everyone or to find out that alot of us are in the same boat. To everyone that helps thankyou and for us that needs the info remember to pass it on, Peace Ken
Nice story Jen nice pic's. To catching fish is why you went, a bonus is catching the fish, but most important, its to stand at ahww in what you see that brings warmth to your heart. After seeing the moon on Fri night, it will always be a little more special from now on