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Everything posted by bowshep
l'm sorry but this is about all l can take. The mnr must be watching this web page if not then they should be. We are telling you people were they are and do you do anything. What do you want bus fair. After you people (mnr) take away there wheels you can drive them until they run out of gas. I have fished on the rivers at all the famous places and never seen the MNR. What the uniform to tight to walk in. Ever year l work with more and more restraints from my boss and l still do my job or is this just another goverment job to sit on your ass's. l know goverment employee's that work hard (10%) and the rest are just on the ride.Or why dont you hire me so l can do the job l will generate enough money to hire 20 more CO's. l have already hasseled every politition thats responsibe for my area Prov. and Fed. about the funding for the OMNR. Look if l offended anyone lm not sorry the fish are being abused, people are breaking the law and no one is doing anything. Whats the point of anyone talking about regulations or santuary when nothing will be done about it. l am paying my tax's and paying for my fishing licence l have the right to complain. Peace Ken
What if he loved the store so much he bought the company.Peace Ken
Part of the Problem, Solution, or Bystander?
bowshep replied to pigeonfisher's topic in General Discussion
Its kind of funny that most people on this board will spend hours training their dogs (who by the way don't speak English) but cant give damn about another person. We have already started the solution to the problom by talking about it. But the subject will get borring and forgoton until the next post about it. We need a task force to get the word out. We have to use the press first before we can get the goverment to look at it. Every change that happens in the political circle is because a bunch of phony people want to get elected into office. We are alittle late for this election but there will be more. But we have to be ready to steel the press away from the polititions or influance the press to ask the questions for us. Ontario generats millions of dollers because of our recrationl natural res. Thats why the gov. adds salmon to our lakes. We should have a slogan like Take a politition fishing... or get on the Toronto news papers case about sponcering a fishing durby but not sponcering the futur of our enviroment. Look lm a do'er not a speller. If someone wants to start something like this l will join the team to get the word out. If the OMNR has no money they cant do anything. Peace Ken -
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY JEN. Your a poster child for Field and Streams. Good on ya Girl. Peace Ken
afissin l will go afissin l will go high hold the rainbow a fissin l will go Peace Ken and Milty the CP is the cheapest thing you have lol
Roy sorry for all the work you have been doing lately. Your a good man with the keys you let people say it and cut it short at the right time. You and the other Rulers of OFC thank you Peace Ken
First of all never yap about a person you don't know who he or she is. Dave took me their so l can catch fish. l have the worst luck when it comes to the bows. l have had my center pin for almost a year now and l still have the vice like grip on it but l cant learn unless l fight them. l have to start somewhere, Right. l have seen Dave stop his fishing and help a newbie out with out hesitation. He has given more tackle away than most of you loose. He is not only helping me fish but he is helping me to be a gentlman on the water treating everyone with respect and honer. It is easyer to covert a snagger by showing them a different way. Milty showed me that first and Dave just continued it. l have seen no one in my life care for his pray so much as Dave, he has removed more hooks and pocketed more lost line (Ash polls Pick Up Your Line). Now the sand box stuff: Aniceguy we chated on the river l was teaching Chrome Hen how to cast with a center pin. We were on a east trib fishing with Dave and Paul (Owner of Raven)so ether 1. You were Slumming 2. You were lost 3. We were fishing in the right place (for your standards) Look lm in all perposes a Newbie and l want to learn as much as l can Aniceguy and Highdrifter you have information that you have to get out so why not use Daves approch and teach the right way. You have valid points that are to be expressed but yas got to use more sugar when you do it. Peace Ken
The Evergreen Kev. is now 2300. We got an Evergreen fiber. for 1400 and are very happy with it. Peace Ken
Bly's Second Salmon - New Personal Best...monster!!!
bowshep replied to ccmtcanada's topic in General Discussion
WTG. but is that not a carp pic lol once again congrats. Peace Ken -
l just had to ask about the make l did that trick on two Fords and l learnd that trick on my Ram when l owned one. Peace Ken
if its seized on the drums release the tention on the emerg. brake and rock the truck back and forwards. Dont have it in gear and dont have the engine running, just rock the truck back and forwrds and it should pop is it a Ford peace Ken
Fly Fishing Rod HELP! Hard to pull apart
bowshep replied to kayak fisher's topic in General Discussion
how do you seperate fiberglass rods. l have a claris two pice wanting to remain a 7' one. Peace Ken -
Don't be jumping to conclutions l have been voteing green for over 20 yrs. Before it was just to show protest for the other partie's but now that they have a viable platform its no longer a protest vote. Peace Ken
Beautiful Joey. Peace Ken
l hear that the TTC (Toronto Transit) is looking for new DRIVERS So Dale has some hope of being a professional driver. The color of the car has no bearing on if you win or lose its the person that controls the steering wheel. And if your wondering how come my spelling is good Nancy is looking over my shoulder, what a huggable spell check. Peace Ken
Nancy and l say 133 but the problem is that Nancy catches all the fish so l would have to let her use them because l dont want to start collecting perfect Pieces. LOLlolLOL Peace Ken
GCD lm a Boy Scout. Feel sorry for Nancy becasue l will be with Mr. Bush Mill's Note to self: Rain on the first day Better get Mr. Mills friend Mr. Glen Levitt he will be 18 this year. Peace Ken
Happy B-day Cliff now go catch before you need a rod holder for the Gerry Walker. Peace Ken
l know what the meaning of life is. It's so simple. Live it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace Ken
Two days of planing, 3 days of begging and 12 months of dreaming. l am off on a 4 night stint west of Latchford. l hope to have fish pic's but just being there will be great. l have been their before and l have helped OFC members to get their, now its my turn. Sept is my most favorite time to go with the fog on the water because of the cool air and the warm water. To be on the water and drift in silence as you get the first glimps of the sun pearcing through the thick fog at 9 in the morning, to have all those mini tornado's of fog spireling upward to the Heavens. l will be at peace in that moment of errie solitude and then the warmth of the sun on your face that makes me feel so alive. l will be bring Nancy into this heaven of silent chill and the reborn of life as the sun warms the heart. It is special for me now and lm not even their yet. Peace everyone, if you dont have it yet look for your peice of heaven while your alive so you can live. This is why l sign off PEACE KEN.
That great l dont have any fishing pics lol. Peace Ken
Ohiofisherman CANECK come on What the Gall darn cussid infernal are you doing creating words. Its Bad enough l cant spell the real one's. Thank god your from OHIO l would hate to spell Missississpppiiieee. T.J. Congrats on the shooting team. Peace Ken
SuperDad and SuperMom. Respect. Peace Ken
FishTank has horse shoes..................
bowshep replied to bassjnkie's topic in General Discussion
l will take a horse shoe. PLEASE. OH PLEASE, USE A SMALL HORSE!!!!!! LOL. Peace Ken -
l preffer the Fiberegalss over the Kevlar just on the fact of the emergency repair. l have put a few holes into canoe's up north, once on a nasty portage where l beat the canoe down the hill. l understand the light factor of Kevlar and its durible just very tough to repair. Peace Ken