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Everything posted by bowshep
Vroooooommmm Vroooooooooom Cars... Partial to a 1971 Challanger R/T 340 six pack 340 4 speed Hemi Ornge. If l could, l would and l Would not care about Gas prices, Ins... or the damn Ozone layer. So lm bad, spank me but l can still take my 14' Raven. So if l don't catch, maybe l can catch a ticket... lol Peace Ken 340... 60th over 340... Purple cam 340... Rollers 340... wastgate ex. 340... 6" tub and no turns lol
Tonyb. l would like to personaly thank you for your willingness to spread your knowledge of fishing l have learnd alot from you. Thanks. Peace Ken
Tried a new fluorocarbon line, I don't like it!
bowshep replied to Big Cliff's topic in General Discussion
Its Name is Perfect Hooks Vanish, Fish Vanish and the urge to use it Vanish. Peace Ken -
I will fish any river that flows the same as Float Fishing. Which l am not successful at. The experts thinks its because of scent but l do have a shower. The species lm hunting for is my nemessis TROUT (gal darn infernal jupiter smashing...) and then bass. I did a few casts with a fly on and l blew the feathers of it so l am just useing the leader and even that took blood. So the yarn sounds very safe lol. But l am looking forward in mastering it and then tieing flys is what l am really looking forward in creating. l have seen some amazing work by a few of the fly gods. But most of all fishing is my church, l get to breath when l fish, think nothing but fish and the dance of the cast and retrive. Peace Ken
l tried the web suite and something is wrong with the suite title Peace Ken
At what skill leave should l be at. l don't want to have the pro's draging me behind the boat. Peace Ken
Im already set up with lessons my instructor helped me get the Fly Gear well atlest the cheap part next year it will be the tieing and that should set me back a few Hooks. l want to be so good at fishing all types of fishing maybe become a master at something other than water watching lol. thanks People l have the suites on the computer and will look at them. Oh l learnd that when you make that whip crack the featers dont stay on the fly lol Peace Ken
High Five, Not that hand. l just know you from OFC but l hope your humor gets you through it and that you can get back fishing soon. Peace Ken
Well since l suck at Float Fishing . I have just purchesed a new Fly Rod and Reel. Its a NTX series from TFO. I have been practicing on the grass for the past few days with out the hook. Thankfully l am trying this approch, it's bad enough that the line alone can make you bleed. Well as everyone says it will happen and lm just praying that l have better luck with the fly, Damn Trout. Well with the new digi camera l hope to show my fist fish with the fly. l dont care if it is 3 inches long l will take the pic. Peace Ken
Peace Joey and meny happy memories to come. Ken
I have spent about $4k on fishing since Aug/o6 about 800 at BP. Most of the money was spent at one store and what have l gotten from them, nothing. You want my dedication then it will cost you a little. l dont want a lot, a little appreatiation of my loyalty. A ball cap. a pair of polerized glasses. I'm about to start buying camping gear and starting from scratch. lm not sure l will be getting my stuff from this family run store. Peace Ken
Not a fan of Dale Jr. Dale Sr. was a driver. Jr wouldn't get a job at Canadian tire jockeing cars around. Peace l have watched Nascar since the 70's and cheered for the Wood Brothers and Gordan since his rooky year after Kyle Petti l refuse to cheer for thier kids.
thankyou my fellow fisher kings the Ottawa sounds like the best thing. Peace ken Now what a bout the 12yr old lol.
l'm planning a trip for the Ottawa area (Castor River) and am planing to teach my girls son how to fish but dont know what swim's there. Actualy lm bonding that will be harder than the fishing part. What the heck is a 12yr old male kid thinking. My only referance is a 10yr old Jack Russel, can l play fetch with the kid? Peace Ken
CCMT that smile looks like you have come across a free cat house. Good on you in bringing it in now for the hard part, beating it again. Nice Job. Peace ken
It depends on what you are doing Rivers, Lakes, slow water, fast water will you be portaging. lakes you want it long with a good keel able to track a line better. Rivers no Keel very agiale. l have done lots of canoe trips and am partial to Scott canoe's they take a beat but a bit heavy ln the long walks lol. peace.
Just got off the phone with Dave he slipped and fell 19 steps at the Humber today. He has 2 broken ribs and a concution but the new rod and reel (Raven) are doing fine. Dave has been a very good friend to me so l have to be the first to wish him a speedy recovery and if l have to l will push him in a wheel chair to make sure he is at the Trout opener. Heal well Dave and thanks for being a great Bud. Peace Ken
l use a 75L pack for a week long canoe trip and a barral for the food and a mini pack for the fishing gear. People pack way too much stuff and with all the gadgits.
Few People can paint life. Few can write about life in poatry but to capture life as it happens is true Art. Thank you for the amazzing shots. Peace
Good Job L.A. you will be a fishing god in no time. Peace
My mother told me once that a man should never mess with a woman because he would never hear the cast lron fry pan. Happy Birthday
the more times you do it the less bugs you have but remember their are good bugs in the soil that you cant see with out a microscope. So like anything moderation but thats coming from an Irish man that can chug a Guinness. lol Peace Ken
grubs be gone and everyother insect in the lawn. liquid dish soap. Soak the lawn first. Add 1/4cup of dish soap to a standerd watering jug and fill with water and procide too apply the mixture to the turf you will have to fill the jug a few times until you cover the hole lawn. Soak the lawn again to push the soap in to the soil and remember your trying to push the soap 6-8 inches deep. the bugs (grups) will come to the surface because of the bad taste in their mouths and the birds eat them up. sorry its simple and costs you time and about 15 bucks for the average lawn. for the enviroment try to use phosfate free soap. Ps you will have bubbles on you lawn for the first 10 min but it will stop as the soap is bing pushed deper into the soil. Peace ken
any brand will do and as for the dog poop we will pass your house and still charge you its a health hazzard. WE use compost in the spring get the good stuff or you will add weeds to your turf. In end of june and end of aug we use alfelfa and in the fall we use a product high in mag. saulphat and alum. oxide to help the turf remain a nutural state weeds like acidic or alkaline soils and turf loves it at a nutural. Peace Ken note: a sharp blade will reduce brown out (brown tips on the blades of grass) which will reduce the chances of the lawn browning out in the summer. and if you ask nice l will tell you how to get rid of grubs with out pesticides. hehehehehehe
Something l can talk about. First of all l have been in the landscapeing trade for over 20 years and have used them all and l keep going back to Toro. One of our mower cuts about 25 homes a day for 5 days for 20 weeks so useing two mowers thats 1250 cuts a year. They are betten to death we have cut off water shut off valves, t bars and the odd flag stone patio we get about 2.5 years out of a mower. I'm recomending the Toro recycler push or drive l would stay away from the comercial modles because of the wieght (ruts from the wheels).BUY yourself an extra blade so that you will have a sharp one and if you are going to mulch l would change the blade every month. Run the gas out in the fall and change the oil in the spring. Hint we use synthetic oil and lucus. Some hints to the home owners Turf needs 1.5" of water per week cut the turf at 3 inches or more in the heat of the sumer this helps to reduce the amount of transporation (evaporation from soil and plants). Seed your lawn every year and regular fertilizing. Stay with the organics and you wont get that 1 foot of grass in a week hell. The organics permote micro criters so that your lawn will be healther. Everytime you cut change the direction in which you cut and keep you lines straight for that pro look and that spiral pattern is just a junk cut. Good luck all and may it be green all sumer we need the oxygen. Peace Ken