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Everything posted by bowshep

  1. All depends on if your tall then someones elbow is on your bum. lol Its a free event in Toronto. People will be stopped on the side of the highway, the transit will be packed. With a clear sky and warm temps it will be great l cant wait to hear the raw power and the sight of them dissapearing into the horizon hehehehehehehehehehe lm so "Off we go into the wild blue yonder. Off we go into the sky" Peace Ken
  2. Thats a slick Redneck Hilton. Peace Ken
  3. Nice post great pics. Peace Ken
  4. Lew with out knowing you l shed a tear on your post about your brothers passing. l was moved by the honisty of your heart. And once again l find myself in the same place. Peace to you Lew. May your laughter warm your heart. For the people involved with this act of kindness, l tip my cap for kindness is the greatest gift. Peace Ken
  5. Hey Milty wecome to OFC. Milty is the person that got me fishing again and for that l would like to thank him for all the quite times on the water, With me thinking of gaffing myself or chucking myself off a pier. lol Peace Ken
  6. The French River. Peace Ken
  7. Even if you broke your leg Lac Soul will be one of your most exciting fishing trips in your life. Its been 25 years since being there and l remeber it like it was yesterday. A guy l work with is from their and he says that there is a Huge Muskie thats been steeling line for the past 3 yrs. He says its the new world record about 5' long... "he says". Have a blast. Peace Ken
  8. So Your Bud did make you Wizer. Great work Nice and clean too. Peace Ken
  9. Deano see you there lol. l will be in the Gordon Stuff like the rest of the world. lol Have a blast and leave the liver at home. Peace Ken Ps we are near the consetions out side the track, find the washrooms at the back of the consetions and look to the left there is a gap in the fence. turm right up the road and keep walking we have 3 camp's all Canadian. Sat Night is rib Night and we always have extra pops. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeee hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  10. FinS you should ask around on this board you might be able to get a nice used set for 350. But the Okuma package is ok. But my friend up graded his after a year of use (sorry he sold it 150 bucks). Peace Ken
  11. What Gerritt said. Out of all the Jobs on a motor its one step up from an oil change. Note do not get the cord covered in dirt it will reduce the life of the cord. Peace Ken
  12. When l went on a charter l tipped the mate Cash and cooked everyone a great meal. everyone was happy. And the Captin will take me on his boat again. Maybe next time it will be steaks. HEHEHEHEHEHE Peace Ken
  13. MY Canoe cant go that fast. But what weight on the downriggers do you need to hit 40' With out 2 miles of line lol lol lol Peace Ken
  14. The canoeing was great everything was great, used everything. l will have to get ahold of GCD and borrow his C4 fishfinder lol. Even though lm not catching lm still haveing a BLAST and would not change anything in the past. It is Tomorrow that counts not yesterday. l WILL figure it out. l Love my Life. Peace Ken Ps and in the last picture lm starting to think like a fish lol
  15. Well the long weekend in Augest Nancy, Her son Tyler and myself went on a condo camping trip at Bona Vista camp grounds Between Armprior and Pembroke. Well on the way up it took for ever the truck got great gas milage (you get that travaling at 30k) but the only thing that kept a smile on my face was this bus. l got to Nancy's late and they waited for me to eat. l felt bad for them but l felt special that they did. Next day we headed of to the camp suit set up camp in the shade it was perfect. Did you know that a tent can hit 120 deg. at 7 in the morning l think we needed more shade. That evening Nancy, Tyler and me went out in the canoe for some fishing l was so pumped seeing the weed beds and looking at all the potential. We hit about 8 different area's fishing the weeds and all the structurs we could see. Nothing absalutly nothing. We started heading back as the sun was going down and this is what l saw. Tyler's back against his mothers and Nancy paddling. Then the sunset. l don't know what it is about those sunsets but every bit of frustrations and anger just dissapers. The next day Nancy and l went out again while Tyler slept Boy that kid can sleep for 14 hours at a time. Once again nothing. Nancy's parents dropped by for dinner which l cooked a fine fest. The next day we broke camp and headed home. looked in the Mirror and saw Tyler fast asleep in about ten min. of drive time, ok the kid wore me out too. The next weekend l was back in Ottawa to fish the Rideau now l know their is fish there. Nancy and l watched Tyler Pitch in baseball and l can tell you l dont want to get beened in the head by his fast ball, 13 yrs old and he can through heat, Tyler struck out the last two players in 8 pitches, he is not my son but l was so proud for him. oh ya fishin'. So Nancy and l go out in the canoe on the Rideau fishing the weeds and lillys and dogeing boats 3 in 10 slowed down for us which was nice until l relized that we were in a no wake zone. Well to add to my greef Nancy out fished me catching stuff on something that l already tried (BANG) they were not big but they were fish and she cought 3 of them (As Nancy said in an earlyer post "Sometimes you dont want to be smiled at"). well l think lm going to have to look at fishing with different eyes. Peace Ken ps Wouldn't change a thing
  16. IN the words of Lucy Recardo " Whhhaaaaaaaaaa " . What a beautiful rare fish. Peace Ken lol
  17. Going to see my Girl and fish the Rideau river and maybe try the Trudeau manuover in the canoe. Peace Ken
  18. Thats Better thanks gang. l Can't give up fissin'. Fishing again for me is something totaly different now. Its a pill that makes me so happy and calm. The people l fish with are the same way, it has become an obsetion in spiritual perportions. Dave, Jen, Sunny and Nancy all have it you see it in their eye's. More people should have this happyness in what ever gives them joy. This is why l always sign off with "Peace Ken" l got that from fishing
  19. l wish l had my Pocket Fisherman that cheap fold out cought me more fish than the gear l have now. Gerritt can l borrow you Barbie rod lol. Peace Ken. Ps sorry for the mushie stuff but its still about the me that most of you don't know and the fact that at least lm honest about it and the "Whining and Crying" part just more proof you don't know me
  20. Hello Whopper like Lew l was not taken aback to your comment you did not have all the info. l do read alot about fishing and put the tactics to use. lm just one of thoughs guys right now. But hey you dont have to catch to teach Peace Ken
  21. Ricoboxing l don't beleive in "the Jinks" it is eather poor prep. in the gear or just that it was not ment tobe. Trout pond never l spent to much time and energy finding places and practicing putting a row bag into a tea cup at 15'or to push a float above the roe bag so the drift happens so perfectly just to watch the Rainbows move out of its way. Most of all l will not quit fishing l love it so much and it is a life line for my soul. Peace Ken
  22. Hi Lew l wasn't stepping on anyone if l mentioned about my constant practicing the first time it might of come off better than it did. Most of all l know who to take my advice from and l know some people like you have tons of info that l try to utalize. Dave has watched me fish and lm doing nothing wrong its that they just dont like me.lol Peace Ken
  23. Practice l have worn out 20lb power pro with the bait caster respooled the Islander twice and worn out a fly line l put in about 6 hours aweek out of the water and 7 hrs aweek in the water. Practice l have just started casting to the shore out of the water and then pulling it into the water. l can make my yazurri top walkers dance. With a fly l can put a fly under a dock with 6" gap. Sorry but l know people have the right to say things but practicing is an obsetion. Peace Ken
  24. We were thinking about 20K for the boat. lol Peace Ken
  25. Well on Aug 24 it will be a year of perticipating in the sport of fishing, again. l have put in alot of time and money into this sport and have learned new styles in the process (hence the money). A friend Mike took me out trib fissin' for salmon. Had no waders used a 6' ugly stick and a repala reel (nice stick crap reel). With in a month l had 13.5' Quantum and the crap reel, with that set up l cought one rainbow 6.5 lb so that fish was worth 300 bucks. Then l got the Islander center pin on the quantum rod that was like having a vette engine in a La Car so l switched to a Raven lm8 14' 3pc. wow l had the gear now lm going to catch lots of fish. That center pin got me hooked up with Dmass and my life as a float fisherman changed l became a fast learner, l watched every move that man did and copyed it to the T. When god is fishing you watch and anyone that fish's with dave will have to agree (l'm Dave's cheerleder lol). l did not catch a fish from sept 28 till March 17th Skunked for 57 days. Spring time and l started Flyfishing Thanks Dave and lm getting realy good on the casting. But only cought a few 8in browns l dont call them fish.l talked and talked fishing to learn as much as l can from anyone that will tell me. l also picked up a TeamDiawa LT 12-25 6.6 one pice that l use a Simano Carado Bait caster Which lm getting good at untieing knots. lol Except for my 31in' laker that's it. l have been calm about it but COME ON @$###$$ yes it will happen thats what everyone says #%#$$@$%* l have Spent over 5k on fishing stuff l have the best gear that l can aford and have made lots of sacrifices to get it and no fish $#$%$#%$#$$ ^$#%%$#$$$$#$. Eatting wize l have only had one 1.5 Rainbow $ 5k for 1.5lb of fish. lm planning on starting Bow hunting next year l think the Deer will be safe. Peace Ken Ps Well the Salmon are starting to swim so here we go again.
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