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Everything posted by bowshep
Carp l have a lot of work to do now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!peace Ken
Some times in life you have to bow down and some times you hold your head high. Right now Urb we can see your eyes, boy your mixed up. Must be eating all that lake O fish and the PCB's have effected your Brain. As for Scamming we got the pick's and we all fish alot. We even perticipate as a group like a team should but its ok maybe we can get you onto our team but we dont need a whaambulance. Peace Ken
Carp this kid will out fish us all. Welcome Bowan you will beable to teach us alot, your a hard worker and a great person. Peace Ken
Boil you guys are nuts. Olive oil and dry jurk rub thats it for the ingrediants. 24hours before put your ribs in a plastic bag add olive oil to coat the ribs and the dry jurk rub to coat all of the ribs and let sit for 24 hours. Wrap the ribs in foil, pre cook the ribs in the oven for 3 hours at 150f take them out of the oven remove the foil and do the remaining of the cooking on the grill. Scoring the bone is a good thing and if your not putting all that sauce on it will be better for presintation. Peace Ken Ps TisFun Purple Pig ribs would be the place to eat ribs. They are deffinetly in the top 3 Peters is number one Mine is number 2 lol
l use to drag race on the Srugeon stretch all the time in the late 70's. Welcome to the wacky world of OFC. Got my girlfriend here a month ago and she is about to beat me in posts. It is addictive,l think l will have to get her help or did l make her nuts. Peace Ken
Field Goal Peace Ken lol
Bringing lots of water is not a good ldea. With the added wieght and the volume it takes thier are other things you can bring. A water filtration system is small, light wieght and easy to use. Just in case a Camel Pack is a great container for your booze but save it for when your off the water. Food barrals are cheap and a good investment it can be used for storage as well, l will be using mine for storing camping stuff when its not in use. Do the world a favor and creat as little impact to the area and clean up after someone else and forgive them for what they have done (the lazzzzy aaaasssssssss's). Peace Ken And welcome to an amazing place with great people.
Men never get lost we are always on a new adventure mainly when we for get the map at home. lol Peace Ken
The books are called Back Road Map Books they are set up into regions. Between me and my friend we have all the books for ontario and Que. Every Fisher person should have these books lt might reduse most of the chater about what fish are were. This would leave more time and room for banter lol. Peace Ken
On Sunday June 3 l went on a Fishing Charter with the team Up Scalers [We rock]. We used FISHMASTER CHARTERS. The early morning l had the first fish lost it well same old same old. The Five of us went through our cycle 3-5 and then the weather started to change for the worst. Well the fish were not around,gone, like alians sucked them up. Now normaly you would start to get upset, you just spent money for this and l can get skunked on my own. Well Fishmaster kept everyones spirits up with the anticipation of fish but even l saw on the fish finder and the only thing it was telling me was the fish wern't home. All of a sudden a blip but the down rigger was to low Fishmaster jumps to the back and raises the line and with in a few minites we got it "Fish on" and l'm up Steve passes the rod to me and l lean back this has some size to it reeled it in and had me self a 30" laker 4"shy of my pb. Well we all got fish that day not many but all monsters and it was because of Steve. That man never gave up he hunted them down one at a time changing gear and the depth all the time his mate was halling assssssss too. l said it to him and now l will say it to you people Fishmaster is a class act. He understands that his clients are tobe happy and worked hard this day for us and not one of us left unhappy. Its really easy to have happy Clients when the fish are bitting and around its another thing to experiance real customer service. He had his CB on and every other captin on the water was begging for help one had only one fish in 5 hrs another had 2 in 6 hours, l herd 12 call signs on that radio. We on the other hand would have had 9 but me and my friend blew it. Fishmaster Charters is my go to guy when l fish lake O and l will send anyone of my friends to him. Thankyou so much for an amazing day even with mother nature against you. You are deffinetly a hunter. Peace Ken Ps Team post soon
Its a free for all. Thier are books that show you were to camp,what fish are in the water and even gives you canoe routes. But what you take in you take out. l am fed up with want-a-be campers with all thier high tec gear and to stuppid to bring a garbage bag to the point where l bring three to clean up after them. l'm not saying this is you but no one is willing to admit it was them. l can tell you how many smokes l have had on a trip because l can count the butts. And the ones throwing thiers into the water .l.. yawer's Peace Ken. PS Everyone should look into zero impact camping the only thing left behind is the scar from the fire.
Now all as you need is a French Driver, put pot holes in the track and you can win. Peace Ken
What a bunch of idiots, wont be going thier anymore. Peace Ken
Well can we get a group of them so we can pay them to releave our frustrations and beat them or instead of spending money at a Gym hand one 10 bucks and kick him in the ass and have them chase you the running you will be doing would be good for you. So its a win win they get thier money and you stay in shape. Peace Ken Ps sorry for the people that were forced to live like that and the rest of them l have 10 bucks
I would use a Float fishing approch. Center Pin and the long rod because you only have 90 ft of line with the flyrod. lf your trolling it would all have tobe used to get the depth of 30-40ft and that will not let you have any room for when the laker run's. But with the centerpin you will have lots of line for the run and fight but l would still use 8lb line. Now l don't catch much but thats what l will be doing this summer. To fight a laker on a CP would be nice. Peace Ken
Ever think of useing the milk bag cutters. Or to be Manly why not mount a 5 horse motor with a horizontal crank shaft and attach 4o straight razors on to it. It will cut your line fast and you can still use it to cut the kobassa for your finger sadwiches l mean subs. lol Peace Ken
Not including a 20 year relationship with a Vegitarian Animal Lover (did not want to cause harm to animals). What was the longest time you had on the skunk list. For Me it was 37 outings hunting for rainbows. l used everything flys, Trout and Salmon roe, Skien, Jiggs, spinners and spoons and nothing. l have 12 colors of mesh for the roe bags, tied from 3 eggs to looney size. l was skunked from Oct 12th to April 7th, fished everywere but Niagra. Every time heading out l believed that l was going to catch and nothing the only consolation l had was that l didn't sit on my bumm all day. l will not give up l will hunt Rainbow's till l die l am determind to succeed. Chrome Hen says lm stubroun but l think lm just determind (potato/potatoe). l know l might have the record but is thier anyone else that has hit the fishing drought. Peace Ken Ps Damn l love fishing
Hey Jen have a friend from work who wants to go is that cool Peace Ken
Thanks for keeping track for us finger counters. But as soon as team 5 THE UPSCALERS are no longer in first place then l will take over. Team 2 one pike 38in. one pirch at 12in. =48 total in. Team 5 one pirch 12in. one pike at 38in. =54.5in. total Peace Ken
To be honest, my chop chop on you was the "not to be taken seriously" and the observation of the lack of friendly posts to your thread. If my name was Kenneth Kyle Kelly l would still not go with the handle kkk4ever because l feel it would be offensive and then using the line not to be taken seriously after that to excusse the comment. l believe you are a funny person and looks at life as an endependent thinker. But to call yourself Poucher well thats like calling yourself cattle russler in the 1800. l am a master of putting my foot in my because of the things l say. If you change your name you do it for you not for what l have said its your life just giving you 25 cents. Peace Ken
""""""Not to be taken seriously""""" by now you should have about 12 comments welcomeing you to this fine friendly place. I believe that we are taking you seriously. Yes it is just a Name and has no reflection on the person. Peace Debbie Strapongrinder
So much fun...someone bring me another boat...
bowshep replied to irishfield's topic in General Discussion
Great work. Let the others cry. I vote for Blood,Sweat & Tears Then it would have 5 letters in each word thats one more than 4. Peace Ken -
If you left a Bottle of JD on the seat of your boat and someone took its thier falt. So you find 25,ooo bucks with no ones name on it you will leave it thier. Yes it was on your boat and yes it is trespassing but you might as well had a neon sign free fish, free fish. If you left the keys in your car and someone took it the insurance company is not going to give you a thing. Sorry about the lost time fishing but now you get to do it again sounds ok with me. Peace Ken
l to had a heart attack and lm glad l did. My life is what it is but different.Its what got me fishing again and the little stuff l use to get ticked off at wasn't so important. Good luck take it slow in this heat and drink lots of water. Peace Ken
9 days, you better gain 10 lbs because you will lose it in flesh, My Dad says the black flys are bigger than normal and that the mosquitos are hunting in packs lol