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Everything posted by bowshep

  1. Cool way to get hitched. The roads will be fine just watch out for the logging trucks, Moose and dear. Peace Ken
  2. I'm going as well if someone needs a ride l can pick you up at Downsview Station. Im not planing on running away after the wings are gone. So l could be their for more than a few hours. Peace Ken
  3. Cool report Brian and awsome work on the water. You make it sound like a fun time even with all the stess. . Peace Ken
  4. Gerritt nice ride. New hand, new boat, l think l can take you with my canoe (not) Peace Ken
  5. Damn Studdering (push the botton once it will work) Peace Ken
  6. Motor/No Motor. The smiles say it was a blast. Nice story for the scrap book. Peace Ken
  7. Motor/No Motor. The smiles say it was a blast. Nice story for the scrap book. Peace Ken
  8. Good Life. Get a brush for the dock you will need it. Peace Ken
  9. Load the cannons. Peace Ken
  10. Butts in the water GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. l feel it is my obligation to inform them of Butt tossing. DON'T BE A BUTT HEAD. Peace Ken
  11. Have a good one Roy and for the Black Sunday isnt that the only day The Black Crapie bite . Peace Ken and thanks for your work on OFC
  12. If the lake was long, narrow, and deep l would be out their in 45k winds but if its like lake O today no way. Every time out in a small craft you are assessing the conditions at least 3 times an hour. for example l was about 1km of shore in Lake O in a canoe. But as the conditions changed we started to get closser to shore and eventualy pulled the canoe out of the water because it was to dangerous that and a fish took 150yrs of my line (not to self bring more line)
  13. Well that sad to know that you are only a stone's throw away. lol Take care and thanks for sharing (not). Peace Ken
  14. Welcome to the club. No mater what anyone says we are all rednecks here, they would rather be in bed at 10pm on a fri to be on the water or the bush for 5am. Thankyou for your comitment to our Flag so we can have peace in our hearts. Peace Ken
  15. lm 47 but l have to give a shout out for Red Fisher and the Scuttlbut Lodge. To this day l stll think he had the coolest cabin. Aww l was a kid. Peace Ken
  16. l hate sleeping in fairweather fishing partners. They beg you to take them out they want to sleep till 9 and as soon as a rain drop fall's they are heading to the truck. Peace Ken
  17. again x 3... Peace Ken
  18. done x3 Peace Ken
  19. Swell time with the swill. Well when is it. Peace Ken
  20. Just remember most people on pedistals are dead, carved from stone and in parks where birds poop. Peace Ken
  21. Done again. Peace Ken
  22. Done go Maureen if you win maybe we will cut the ice for you to do some trolling at your Tylers event. Peace Ken
  23. Johnny B great post, great job. Peace Ken
  24. Sonny nice job on the solo catch, but you like compitition and you would have not had it anyother way. Peace Ken
  25. If your going to use floats l recomend the Raven balsa floats more for the retrieve aspects. Its the only float l have used that did not cause drag on the return and hardly any splash on entry. l know you were thinking of a 10' 2 pic but if your going to do anyfloat fishing l would go to the 13' 3pc rod. More reach, longer drifts and you will be flippin or swinging the roe bags into the holes. Peace Ken
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