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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Thanks for replies! First outing of the year came late but constant action smoothed it all out. Very few boats were out there which made things relaxing. Never fished this place before so learning the area was cool too. Trolling Pigeon for muskies should be good this summer when the time works out. Thanks Shayne Yup way too long. Even making this trip was a physically challenge for me. For better or worse, oxycontin made this day possible Pumped for more fishing in the near future.
  2. Real nice fish there That litter up there is terrible at least there is no racist overtones in the thread. Except for those dang hippies.
  3. Nice catch of perfect eating size fish. I am guessing they were caught in the St. Lawrence R.
  4. Wow! Great write up of a surely memorable trip. Being the first group into Algonquin must have made the trip super special. Even though you weren't able to fish or camp as planned it still was an incredible experience overall. Gotta like using those Panther Martins for brookies. Excellent stuff!
  5. Got out fishing today for first time in seven months. Almost forgot how much i like getting out there. Had a ton of fun just being on the water. Figured would try throwing in-line spinners and minnowbaits for some Kawartha pike that are now open all year. Luckily some fish were caught to make the day. Bunch of small pike my buddy Dave caught... Caught this crappie on a x-rap which was unusual i thought. Nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Time just flew by out there. Cheers. ehg
  6. There is so much that is effective according to conditions. As Mr. Ritchie says i too am stuck on topwaters most of the season. The Heddon Spittin Image specifically is my favourite topwater by far. The frog Jitterbug and small Zara Spooks have also been good.
  7. Another great report Really will consider the tips according to conditions when i try for pike soon. Thanks for report.
  8. Nice going MTBF! Gonna try for some pike around there tomorrow. Thanks for tips and report.
  9. Ohio Fisherman my doctor recommended surgery as soon as possible. He described the herniation of my L5 as "massive". The operation is Microdiscectomy as Headhunter describes above. Many of the symptoms of this disc compression are similar to the MS relapse i was going through at the time. Better days undoubtedly are ahead so i can fish and drive etc... Wayne, i will try for a panfish tomorrow for Team 3 haha Thanks again for replies!
  10. Someone very close to me is into year 27 of the program. At least alcoholism isn't hereditary. This person is very involved and grateful for their sobriety. Personally when a teen, i found the idea of having the wisdom of knowing the difference between what you can and cannot change to be applicable to all aspects of living. Congrats to you for this accomplishment!
  11. Just thought i would update this thread... Went and saw the orthopedic surgeon today to review my MRI's from a month ago and he says i have 'massive' compression on one of my discs L1 or L5 (i forget) . Recommended surgery as soon as possible. I said OK after he mentioned i would instantly be pain free . So surgery is set for May 25th and apparently i would be home next day or even that night. Seems like good news, oddly looking forward to this surgery. The replies to this thread helped very much especially the ones explaining how surgery instantly helped bring relief. This way when surgery was mentioned it created no stress. The months of February and March were really brutal as the pain from this and having a Multiple Sclerosis relapse at same time left me bed ridden. Actually i wish i was bed ridden i was stuck in a kneeling position as i couldn't walk, sit or lie down due to pain Thank goodness family and friends helped me out during this time with groceries, home tending, daycare for my daughter etc... Things are better a bit now i can sit, lie down, drive car etc... looking forward to fishing this weekend for first time in seven months Thanks for past replies, it set me at ease.
  12. If you ever look at this post again, Welcome! Easiest way to start fishing around here is to get a cheap, medium spinning rod put some 8 lb mono on it, a simple sinker, hook with a worm and throw it out there. There is a excellent variety of fish most lakes or river that will hit that worm.
  13. I have never used a swivel as well when flicking short casts. Usually wait a few seconds for line to stop twirling before another short cast. Longer casts or trolling inline spinners probably could use a swivel.
  14. One of the most unexpected and coolest catches for me was a 3-4 lb laker while fishing an eastern trib estuary late fall about 25 yrs. ago. These fish should give another person a bit of fun on L. Ontario in the future.
  15. #0-#2 Blue Fox vibrax seem to work well in pools upstream. The smallest Panther Martins work real well for resident browns and brookies in the headwaters. Down near the mouth of rivers #3 Blue Fox vibrax seem to catch what ever is around including odd pike.
  16. All of the Kawarthas (FMZ 17) are open for pike and panfish all year starting Jan 1st, 2010. Dalrymple, Canal, Mitchell, Balsam are in this zone and have pike. Lots of water to explore there. Even on the east side of zone, Belmont, Crowe, Percy Reach have pike and are year round.
  17. That is what i am talking about! Harper spent over a billion dollars on G20 security and Toronto still got trashed as security stood and watched. Geez, we have to wait 5 yrs. to tally up the losses after we get hoodwinked even though there is such transparency. Couldn't picture Harper doing any fishing, especially if there is mosquitoes or bees around.
  18. Looks like a great fishing excursion. Big boat, seasoned Gbay guide, nice scenery
  19. Great report! Like the details on location and approach. The south facing black mud bays attract crappies at this time as well. Gonna try a Zone 17 pike lake next weekend and use these tips. Thanks
  20. This is the best response i read of all these diatribes. Hmmm the last conservative majorities federally and provincially i can think of were Mulroney and Mike Harris here in Ontario. The legacy of debt and recession left by them is sickening. Sort of like anti- Robin Hoods take from the poor and give to the rich. Harper looks like such a nerd. Couldn't picture him ever fishing unless it is photo-op. Oh well....
  21. ehg

    UFC 129

    http://www.firstrowsports.eu/watch/62067/1/watch-ufc-129-:-st-pierre-vs-shields.html This link works here
  22. Looks like some nice crappies can be caught down that way as well. Didn't think there was many crappies in Montreal area.
  23. Just thought i would add a story... Once when fishing a buddy had to crap bad so found a wooded spot and he did his biz... He said luckily he found these big soft leaves to wipe. Turned out to be poison ivy leaves...
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