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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Digging all these live streaming eagle cams! Here is one i found from around Norfolk, Virginia... The Eaglets are 5 weeks old and already huge. http://www.wvec.com/marketplace/microsite-content/eagle-cam.html
  2. It is a plain old American Shad. They are quite common down lower stretches of St. Lawrence and Ottawa River. The Rudd is invasive and very uncommon and shiners are smaller and skinnier. Shad it is....
  3. Great going on the nice browns. Hope to add some Zone 17 pike soon to team 3 totals soon.
  4. So copy of parking permit should be sufficient according to this CO, I thought they couldn't be photocopied so it is a good thing i asked. A copy of an ODSP stub alone doesn't seem sufficient. Wish i was aware of this a few years ago instead of buying licenses.
  5. Wow! These Eagles are good at fishing and hunting. There is a small largemouth, trout and now live sucker in nest. Also remains of 2 muskrat, 2 rabbit and 3 crows. Third Eaglet just hatched yesterday.
  6. Those bull trout of that size look like lake trout. Excellent stuff
  7. The eaglets are being fed a white crappie right now. The nest is littered with carcasses of rodents, birds, etc... they are only couple days old.
  8. Lots of nice fishes there Fidel First Toronto ice pike i have seen reported. Was Grant there taking the picture? Great stuff
  9. I would be under the impression most places that are worthwhile are still frozen as well.
  10. All the cameras are off or out of season below the hummingbird. The hummingbird is constantly twitching and moving. These eaglets are two weeks old and constantly being fed. http://www.hancockwildlife.org/index.php?topic=Ozarks#Ozark
  11. They just added a muskrat and another crow to the nest. Now have a rabbit, muskrat, a fish and two crows in the nest for feeding. One eaglet is two days old, the other was born yesterday. Waiting for that one egg to still hatch.
  12. There is a bunch of live streaming cams on that link of U.S nests. Great cam even has infra-red! Here is a link to post a few days ago of B.C nests. They are about to hatch in week or two. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=52143&st=0&gopid=567880entry567880 Canadian B.C cams here. http://www.hancockwildlife.org/index.php?topic=cam-sites
  13. This is your best reply. I am a chef and nothing would be kept after 4-6 months in freezer even if vacuum packed. It will taste like crap unless you like the chemical flavour of freezer burn.
  14. Try the mouth of the Rouge, Duffins, or Oshawa Creek in late May/early June. Any where you can get access at this time might work. Throwing #3 or #4 Blue Fox vibrax spinners might get you a pike in same areas as well. Good Luck
  15. Great report there Jacques Best time for ice fishing, above freezing temps and strong sun.
  16. I did catch them often when young at the mouth of Lake Ontario tribs or estuary parts on #2 or #4 Panther Martins. They were in these areas last week of May first couple of weeks of June very specifically. The odd jumbo perch and some other surprises like drum and pike would hit at this time as well. Hope this hleps
  17. It will be interesting to see how this stuff works for pike or musky. Might beat making knots.
  18. Those greenback walleyes are pretty darn big. They look like the small ones would be good eating. Thanks for posting!
  19. http://www.hancockwildlife.org/index.php?topic=cam-sites The website above has links to live streaming video cams of some Bald Eagles nests in B.C. Just egg sitting happening now. If you scroll down there is a live cam of hummingbird, it is quite active. These Bald Eagles in Missouri are about a month ahead of B.C. They have been bringing fish and birds to the nests to feed babies. http://www.hancockwildlife.org/index.php?topic=Ozarks#Ozark
  20. Yup, spinnerbaits are real productive, wake baits and topwaters have their time too. Similarily i have a few swimbaits that look great but i have no confidence in them. This year i will try more to use them. Cheers!
  21. Thought someone would post that, when read the title of topic.
  22. Just wondering if any of this tackle caught fish last year. It is almost a year later. What worked the best? I have some lures i bought 10 yrs. ago i still haven't used. Soft plastics seem to pile up as well. This spring just bought marabou crappie jigs, thats it.
  23. Getting browns while steelheading was always an excellent surprise. Nice pictures and report!
  24. Wow, your sitting on one of the greatest walleye fisheries. Great fishing and good times, you got it made.
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