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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Took me an hour to read this through the day. One of the greatest fishing stories have read and watched. The whole deal from wildlife, geography, history, and of course weather and fishing are touched upon. Being there is what is special about this. The fact that you took the time to selflessly share with all is very admirable. Passed through my mind that i had met both of you before you met each other. Made this adventure more "real" than some magazine article or fishing show on TV. You and Bill deserve this. Nice guys finish first not last. Many thanks!
  2. Excellent report! Almost like watching a short film or reading short story about a huge drive to land of gold. Really like description of drive up and pics. All the amazing fish pictures, including big northern Ontario bass. The incredible bald eagle display. There seems to be a real increase of them. Very nicely capped off with a monster muskie that was the goal of your journey. Congrats and thanks for posting.
  3. That was one of the most well written and fish filled adventures ever. Too many things to comment on but liked... the incredible amount of huge brook trout huge lakers and pike. and little comments like about the cute T-Bay girls. Many thanks!
  4. Tons of great bass there and other species as well. That Metallica t-shirt brings me back almost 30yrs.
  5. Have been there a few times many years ago and didn't even get the feeling a pike would be caught. There is good smallmouth bass fishing to be had however. Nice lake and had a close encounter with a moose there.
  6. Caught my first rainbow trout on the exact same jointed orange Beno (second row, second from top). That was back in 1977 in Oshawa Creek when 9 yrs. old. Tons of spoons there. You could pull those spoons out on Lake Ontario for those Pacific bows and salmon.
  7. Ya, this thread was started 13 months ago and the replies were friendlier then. People fished more 25 yrs. ago pre-internet. Wilmot or Ganaraka, etc... were busier back then. I would count 90 boats on spot at Pigeon Lake Sat. night 25 yrs.ago. Now there might be half dozen same spot Sat. night. Despite whoever, whatever the salmon are still migrating same spots as then. Generally they die after being upriver a bit.
  8. Fished around the northeast side Big Island for 30 yrs. Have caught mostly 32-38 inch fish, some up to 45 inch. Huge fish aren't abundant there since perch and walleye don't fatten them up. Spinnerbaits and bucktails work best.
  9. Truly superb epic musky day! Two 51 + inchers and many other sizes. A day to remember for sure
  10. It is amazing how each musky has a different colouring and pattern despite being from same area. Looks like an incredible day but that that 49 incher is superb fish.
  11. Farewell? You need a larger flow for that method to work. If your around Taunton try down east around #57 (Bowmanville Creek)or branches of Wilmot, Ganaraska by 115. Hopefully you find access. You definitely need a map. Skip Farewell Creek though.
  12. Used to get browns near headwaters this time of year with same setup. Instead of casting by logs or in deeper pools i found the browns in riffles or small faster water. Think they were attracted to higher oxygen levels of cooler,rocky, faster water. Would travel upstream and cast upstream about 45 degrees from my position. Reel in fast enough to spin blade and keep lure of bottom. The noise of rocky, fast water made stealth less of issue. Did this by accident and worked the best of all methods at this time of year. This technique worked best on north Credit, Duffins, Oshawa, Ganaraska, etc... Good Luck.
  13. I understand what you are saying. Bought most of the stuff 20-30 yrs. ago and i still have too much. Usually will just say no thanks. If i can't find something at BPS or Sail will ask but they usually have less of a clue, or don't fish. Knowing what i want beforehand saves time and money.
  14. Amazing that someone got that footage. Those green herons are cool to see. That is a smarter bird than average. Great stuff!
  15. Again, very beautiful water clarity on that lake DanC. Reminds me of Arctic Char lakes in Northern Quebec were there is no food except other chars. Did find a lake similar called Hambone L. in Algonquin Park. It was a headwater at top of system; beautiful similar water but no fish.
  16. They are triploid fish and are sterile. So they are no threats of them mixing with the other stocked rainbows. These triploid fish get huge. The current Ontario record was a triploid caught near Little Current at 40 lbs or so. The current Canadian and world record was a triploid caught in Saskatchewan at 48 lbs. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/09/biotechfishing/
  17. So there are about 500 page views. Mostly return visits. Whoever looks at the thread will be recorded as a page view. There is no thousands of lurkers mysteriously or invisibly lurking. If anyone looks it is recorded as a page view. Have fished around Thornbury etc...it ain't that great. Went to the headwaters and caught brookies to avoid wasting too much time.
  18. Yes, very beautiful lake with nice fish. Wonder why that clearness is so rarely found?
  19. I kind of kept track of this. The biggest bass (over 6lbs) i caught were surprisingly always in last week of August, first week of September between 9am to 11am. This happened 4 times over 25 yrs. in Kawarthas. The walleye/pickerel were first thing at dawn.
  20. So sad to hear of these further complications. Unfortunately the medical community can do nothing to stop my further descent into disability due to MS. However, following this thread and seeing the strength, effort and endurance of Jen against a very nasty disease really helps me the most in this fight. She is truly inspiring. All the best to her and your family.
  21. Undoubtedly Lake St. Clair is top musky fishery in world. You are lucky to have it as home lake. Great fish as usual.
  22. You would get stuck on beach just with empty 4x2. Forget about towing a 2500 lb food trailer. The sand is loose not packed.
  23. A great brown! They would fight like a 10 lb. smallmouth. You musta been thrilled.
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