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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. DANG SHAWN! that stinks man.. sorry to hear about this.. kevin
  2. Its a shame you couldn't make it for the races but congrats on being grand parents!! kevin
  3. sharper is crazy stren superbraid all the way !!
  4. I've looked into TRCA already, looks like a good first step. Aswell the consulting job does pay well after some years of experience! I'll keep looking.. and keep 'em coming! Thanks guys Kevin
  5. oh, and if you're sticking a motor on it, don't forget all the other things you gotta bring along.. pea-less wistle, life jacket, bailing device, 50ft bouyant heaving line, paddles(i see you have them anyways), flashlight and pleasure craft operator card!
  6. Hey UF, pretty neat mods but i'd be a tad worried on the normal plywood you used? should've opted for some marine plywood, especially since i assume it will be soaked quite often.. kevin
  7. Hey there guys, Well I'm unemployed at the moment and with only 1 year left, I really need to start looking for some experience that is related to my field of study (Environmental Science - Biology stream). If you know of a company in my field is hiring, please let me know! I have a car, so transportation is not much of an issue. Preferably within 30 min drive of GTA. Full time or part time. Please PM me! Thanks for any help, Kevin
  8. aye aye captain
  9. in.
  10. rapala x rap clown mepps syclops .. and in terms of the open bays.. im sure there are some open spots oh and make sure you got yourself some wire leaders.. i made the mistake of forgetting them last time... DOH...
  11. lol. i feel the same way to shawn, stocking up during the winter.. yikes! nearly doubled my amount of gear over this winter!
  12. alright bill! good luck out there! we were out yesterday, didnt even get a follow. perhaps a tad cold still.. i'll try again in a week or two. kevin
  13. congrats on the pb cliff and better luck next time doug with a G.. lol
  14. Boat #1 16' Crestliner, 60hp merc, still need to get riggers, install the gps/sonar, need to install rod holders, pic doesn't include the 5hpkicker, or the powerdrive that i stole from boat #2 Boat #2 14' Lowe, 20hp merc, stole things from here to put into boat #1, hehe.
  15. sweeeeet deal on hut and auger
  16. did you guys see those guys fishing on there?? lol....
  17. ??? Loblaws PC-red curry Thai SAUCE, Patak's brand name 1-(large jar) 1-small jar of red curry Thai PASTE why do you need both sauces? the red curry paste will flavour the sauce... i make a tad differently but none the less, yummmmm
  18. i see you were fishing solo there CH.. maybe next time you should make a post in the hook ups section and i'd join you! mannnn.. too much new un-used gear that i gotta start using!
  19. everyone just wear their OFC gear
  20. thats what i want.. that oil and them planos...
  21. the tekotas are on special at LB for $150 i think i might be heading there on wednesday myself..!
  22. lol. no wife yet for me.. but she better like fishin'!!
  23. welcome to the board.. wicked choice of boat.. congrats.. however, im as lost as you are on the downrigger part though.. but no worries, alot of board members here that know a whole lot. good luck kevin
  24. what i did was use some ratchets around the motor, tied to the transom to keep it from shifting side to side...
  25. I salute to the guys that are braving it right now.. ..
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