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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. Just asking because I have two batteries on my boat. a 27 series deep cycle for my 12v maxxum 55lb bow mount. and a cranking one that I use for the motor, the bilge pump, live well, lights and now gps/sonar.. would this be too much? or should I have a third battery for all those accessories? When I do fish, I normally fish a full day max. So how many things do you guys got on your batteries?
  2. nice solid fish... very jealous!
  3. nice smallies.. maybe i should try going over the border for some bass fishing
  4. just vacuumed and washed it down.. now i gotta drop the boat in the water and fix that trailer and transom saver... im sooo happy with that lowrance x25.. I wonder if Terry put in his yet? sharper, you guys catch anything yesterday? was it easy to find the tackle shop?
  5. Well I'm almost done and ready! since getting my current crestliner at the end of last year, this week I just put in... 4 scotty power lock rod holders (might even stick in another 2?) -this took alot of work to crawl under the gunwale and pull out some of the foam with limited space. ram mount lowrance x25(transom plate, transducer, speed, wiring, connectors etc) new battery trays new deep cycle battery replaced my power drive with a maxxum put in a new trolling motor receptacle and new wiring with circuit breaker and ALOT of drilling, bolting and screwing plus I added a 5hp kicker last year too.. all that is left is repaint if I want and putting on that transom saver... which would require me to lift the boat a bit off the roller or push the boat foward.. Just wanted to share my joy! Maybe I would have a pic once I'm done.
  6. awesome stuff. glad to hear everything went great!
  7. REALLY?!??! my girlfriend lives just right there!! i gotta go check it out tomorrow!
  8. no one uses them?
  9. hey guys, quick question. i got a '89 60hp merc. 2 stroke with a fixed tank on the boat. just replaced the fuel line but was wondering if its a good idea to put in a in-line fuel filter? thanks kevin
  10. good job! i was there today.. skunked and cold... i spotted a couple carp and some pike but they didn't want to bite anything from me.. was there from 10 till 1:30
  11. sweeet.. always love to see new boat pics.
  12. rope? i think you may have bough the cheaper version? this one comes with straps and buckles...
  13. should fit. i got that exact one for my 16 foot crestliner. so far so good. no complaints.. when i bought it last year. i posted about it too, got a few thumbs up for it.
  14. danngg.. beautiful.. super jealous.. can i join ya one day?
  15. at this place is $25, plus you get two cards.. looks like a good time to get you card! http://www.theoperatorcard.ca/index.php?worldpay i paid $40 and only got 1 card a year or two ago.. kevin
  16. lol. have fun guys
  17. shimano - arb bearings.
  18. cool stuff. i wouldnt mind seeing some pics! kevin
  19. congrats... i wish i could upgrade to that.. but in the meantime.. i gotta do with what i got! kevin
  20. yup. them reef runners work well! too bad you just missed the sale at bps for the reef runners, $20 for 5. sometimes these lures don't run correctly, so you might have to fiddle around with it. i've only used the deep diver ones, didnt tried the ripstick ones.. sorry about that
  21. too bad all the way out in ptbo..
  22. looks good Bernie! I can't imagine how the neck feels, staring up the whole time..
  23. yup. Scott aka cranksbait is a fine gentleman! He helped me pick up a float suit last year at his local surplus store and mailed it out to me at cost only.. Much appreciated Scott!! kevin
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