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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. great to hear! i'll be heading out in a week or two! kevin
  2. ahhhh.. my mistake.. living in the past.. so they had a 4 game win streak.. then broken by the bruins on sat.. opps... who wouldve thought they would bounce back like this!
  3. the leafs are leading 4-1, so if they win, that makes it 5 in a row wins? ** i guess not! 4 in a row then broken by bruins on sat
  4. well, i meant instead of being 17-18meg files, i'm thinking they would've shrunk to a couple megs only each, just better for the people that have the slower service..... but i was fine..
  5. I guess i missed it, Oh well, let me go search it out now! MAN i miss the summer/open water! commmmonn 2008! *found it, very cool, i wished i had did the flying scholarship back when i was in cadets ! i think if you took off the audio, it would've saved ALOT of space.. haha. kevin
  6. holy mack...
  7. all very impressive fish. congrats to JPD to so many big ones and wayne, that looks like a beauty spot to fish! thanks to FOTB for making this post and keeping track kevin
  8. hahahahha
  9. so.. in conclusion....... you can get away with 5hp and save a few bucks or you can grab a 8 or 9.9hp high thrust, for almost double the price but they are superior but not necessary. you're lucky your parents grabbing you this.. maybe mine will upgrade our caravan to a MDX for me?? hahaha
  10. mmmmmm.. pickeral.... mmmmm
  11. im jealous... wish i could head out!
  12. couldnt you just show them that you are biased and love the death penalty.....?
  13. looks like the MSRP for 8hp high thrust is $3000 and $3245 for 9.9 same weight, but for extra $250, you get 2hp more.
  14. really sorry to hear this...... my condolences kevin
  15. for me, i'm going to stick with the 4-6hp choice, lighter and cheaper and seems to do the job ( i don't plan on going on days too windy!) plus if i do, i always have the powerdrive at the front that i could put to use kevin
  16. welcome aboard... you just had to say walleye didn't you? lol
  17. the sustain..naww...if i was to get another reel, it'd be a line counter or the shimano castaic. don't want it that much just thought someone on the board might... i got my eye on a few items... like a kicker or a hut
  18. his boat isn't too big, so i don't think he needs a 9.9.. since it will be more costly to purchase and heavier. however if he is interested... i see one on ebay.. 9.9 high thrust yamaha in the states.. $2500, however shipping blah blah blah, might not be worth it. http://cgi.ebay.ca/YAMAHA-OUTBOARD-MOTOR-N...1QQcmdZViewItem
  19. i'm thinking 5hp
  20. oh shoot.. looks like there is only one model.. SA-5000FD.. that is on sale.
  21. Well i tend to look for deals.. here was a decent one... cabelas selling the shimano sustain... $150, even at lebaron they are selling for $280 so.. after shipping and all, it is no more then $200... pretty decent deal... even with the 20% off from LB, that will still cost you atleast $70 more. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true if I find more deals, i might just post a thread on some fishing deals if people are interested. cheers kevin
  22. he was charged with 6 charges of second degree murder... too bad they don't have the death penalty in Canada. giving him time in jail is no good for such a person, there is no rehabilitation and he is a danger to the community.
  23. 85 seems like a good number to me... so.. new sonar for christmas? lol hopefully i'll meet you at lakair, lew take care, kevin
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