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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12721
  2. gotta love LB :thumbsup_anim: especially this month, with 20% off for members... sweeeet
  3. We did try adjusting it, I guess we didn't do it correctly? Well.. i have a pair of the offshore, and maybe i'll go back and buy a pair of the walleye boards too, so then when i got 4 boards out, i can tell that the yellow ones are the outside ones and the orange are the inside ones or vise versa.
  4. well i used both, church walleye board and the offshore board(which is also church actually!) while on fishdevil's boat. We found that the walleye board kinda bobed up and down where as the offshore one cut very nicely through the waves... I bought the walleye board before using them, after using them, i promptly refunded them and bought the offshore ones..
  5. even sweeter deal for you then
  6. here it is.. http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...fromSearch=true http://canadiantire.shoplocal.com/canadian...p;pagenumber=48 reg at $299.99 or "Dash-in & Save 2-Day Sale" and save 40%, making it at $174.99 during dec 8 & 9. maybe a good unit for you ice fishermen out there.. btw, cliff, should i get some kind of commission for this? LOL cheers, kevin
  7. in the last three pics, is it me, or are the guys are really big or the boat is a tad small.... must be the angle of the camera....
  8. it seemed like it was yesterday :whistling:
  9. bps has the fireline ice on sale for $3 something, reg at 6 something. 50 yard spool.
  10. how about go during the middle of the week? looking pretty good
  11. Well i also spoke to fishindevil, he told me to grab some white lithium grease.. and the cable right now is working.. it has defrosted... now where would i spray this? on the pivot points, where the cable connects to the motor? Be right back, goingto ctc to grab it right now! while the cable is still moving!!
  12. congrats on the new hut and thats very nice of you to give away the ice hut, i'm sure it will serve someone well.. I'm just too lazy to pull out a sled onto the ice, so i'll watch the days that i do go on the ice... once again, congrats Dan! kevin
  13. :thumbsup_anim:
  14. well i went out to decide where to place my transducer.. i got that figured out and where to place the actual unit.. however not sure on where to put the gps puck.. should i put it on the gunnel or the dash with the gps? on the dash, there is a bit of the windshield and would be a bit close to the graph, so that might interfere? on the gunnel is the best location(because wide open) but it could get wet.. would that be an issue? i wouldn't think so though.... second issue.. i wanted to get out once before i need to store away the boat(i'll winterize the motor right after fishing), but when i went out today, i couldnt steer the motor... the cable was frozen.. so happens if this occurs when i go fishing? anything to prevent or fix this? thanks!
  15. dammit. i guess boq is a no go this weekend.. ah SHOOT! maybe mid week i'll get a chance.
  16. Also, Sam, will you have a price list up too? just wondering... cheers, kevin
  17. ahh.. very nice site.. the old site was nice too though!
  18. LB having a sale.. http://lebaron.ca/english/club_flyer_dec.pdf kevin.
  19. Oh... no... i remember seeing some of his amazing stunts... surely will be misssed.
  20. i'll go if you go terry lol.. right now i'm drilling/mounting my plastic peice for the transducer... then i gotta figure out how to put together the transducer/speed and the wirings.. and i better not forget the fuses
  21. i'm debating to go.. so coldddd.. -18.. yikes....
  22. right on mike! i think i remember every single one of those pics from your reports!... atleast most.. haha why a year in review report so fast? there is still open water! kevin
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