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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. just wondering.. or was there a thread already? sorry, haven't been so active lately.. alot things going on... well either way...sign me up again! hopefully i'll get set up with another great team like last year... kevin
  2. my mistake.. nautillus floater coat, http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...D=1200774643878 but from $199.99 to $99.99!
  3. hey lew, thanks for posting on the sale but i did notice that lebaron has that model, which i believe is the outback, for reg price of $239.94, and if you have membership.. extra 10% off... but i did notice ctc has the mustang coat on sale, from $199 to $99, which does look like a real good deal! kevin
  4. Well.. I might be shopping around to replace my kicker.. I spoke to Percher about a place.. I might get that one.. but just want to see if they got any good deals down at the show for a kicker.. looking at long shaft, 4-5hp? oh yeah.. I gotta bug someone about this too... (i'll find you on msn).. thanks Thanks Kevin
  5. once again Bernie, Happy bday.. hope you had a good one! kevin
  6. well. i'll be leaving soon, looks like i;m going to go into it blind! if i get anything, i'll make a quick report.
  7. long time no post.. been a busy holiday.. well it looks like i will be heading towards the keswick side tomorrow in search of some perch... but i called in and checked that roaches isn't too safe yet? any tips on where to head off to on the keswick side? any success for anyone? please reply here or PM me.. thanks kevin
  8. Merry christmas lew and everyone else!! i just got back in.. the roads are quite slipper in down town toronto, so drive safe all.. Happy holidays!!
  9. even with a survival suit, you can only last in this kind of frigid water for so long, unless you are thinking they have some other kind of suit that i'm not so familiar/aware of. even so, they are risking their lives, to save your life, there are other dangers beside the fact of it being cold water. what if they slid under the ice? what if someone cracked the ice and got smacked on the head and went unconscious, under the water? there are many things that could happen that you wouldn't want to think about. lew, i'm glad you made this post. thank you.
  10. what kind of reels do you got? you could check out angling specialties in scarborough or aikmen's in missisauaga.
  11. thats very to know...... holy crap. well atleast you learn from your mistakes! i hope.... oh and i think this is a good thread to sticky for the early part of the season for the people that are not to familiar with ice fishing!
  12. wayne... is that youuu??? LOL
  13. Luuuuccyyyyyyy, you got some explainin' to do!
  14. here was one selling in sudbury, sure is pretty.. http://sudbury.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-b...QQAdIdZ20121315 i noticed it in the summer, they have been trying to sell it all year long and won't budge on the price.. maybe have dropped $200 since summer, thats it.
  15. its a sweet boat.. i was looking at those before i got my crestliner.. very jealous.. if you dont mind, how much is your dad getting it for? PM if you want.. kevin
  16. sweeet.
  17. ahhh.. good post wayne! very helpful.. i haven't yet propped up my trailer, but when i do, i usually check the wheels. kevin
  18. 42lbs pike? sure does look big.. im not going to guess the weight, but holding a object that is 42 lb right in front of you takes quite a bit of strength...
  19. Ferguson?? he should get the boot.
  20. I agree, do it, lecavlier for mccabe.. sounds fair.. no?
  22. right on glen! what are you waiting for? get on the water!
  23. Man, Cliff and Carole you guys sure do get around!... and i'm talking about travelling... and fishing every species... what species have you not caught yet? im sure you guys will tackle a gar pike or a sturgeon soon.. (im guessing the bass pics coming in part #10) lol see you guys on the hard water! kevin
  24. damn exams.... anyone else here are doing their exams...? well.. i guess if they were, they wouldn't be on here like me.. hahha night! ... why am i still awake...
  25. not until you learn how to use a baitcaster.. haha
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