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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. somethng like this? http://www.cabelas.com/p-0001113012348a.shtml
  2. I love posts on projects. Let us know how it goes.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Springer
  4. Well, I don't think you should be fishing for pike this weekend.. pike season is closed in April for Lake O. You don't need a special license to fish at ashbridges, but you do need a special boating license if you boat in that area. At Bluffer's there are a few signs saying 'NO FISHING' around the boats, but you could fish over by the rocks I believe? Not 100% sure since I've yet to fish there. O yeah, free launches at Ashbridges and Bluffers.
  5. Found this on the net while looking for motor stand designs.. Pretty good. Since I don't always use a stand, making it collapsible will make storage easier... more details here http://www.oday22.com/2007/07/18/homemade-outboard-mount-and-storage/
  6. Not much advise from me but grats on getting a new boat!
  7. Too heavy? its about only 12 lbs more than a 2hp Too powerful? I won't be going WOT.. only to maneuver around and get to point B from shore Warranty doesn't cover? ummm.. yeah....
  8. Its working!
  9. Victor - When they told me the price, I drove over to check it out and boat it right away O.o pretty decent price! MTP - I checked around a tiny bit, I can buy a brand new 4 stroke 2.5hp merc for $850+ tax or a 3.5hp merc for $995+tax(price matching BPS since they sold out already and I don't want to wait 2-3 weeks for them to ship more in) I'm leaning towards the 3.5hp merc. Weighs 40lbs, 12lbs-ish more than your honda.
  10. thanks and np wayne. nNw to find a motor for it. I was thinking of sticking a 4 or 5hp on it, since that could also double as my kicker on my 16fter. but the max rating on that sportspal is only 2hp...so I might get a 2hp and use that as a kicker. Don't want to get 2 motors.
  11. :D 12 ft transom sportspal Brand new with warranty $760 ....better than the $850 used one on kijiji.....
  12. This thread is from 2008.....................
  13. if the water doesn't come out right away.. your motor may have a thermostat.. so you don't have to be worried right away...
  14. 99% sure you can't use the 10% club discount, unless they changed it.
  15. Hey victorrrrr . Me too me too. Have u seen jerry lately?
  16. Just dropped in. I was bored surfing the net and stumbled on some ads on boats...now I have an itch to switch the motor on my boat to a newer one. How would I go abouts in doing that? I'm looking to buy from a marina or privately. If at a marina.. I'm hoping I can trade in on my current outboard... If a private ad.. I'm somewhat lost on what my options are? Take off my current outboard and chuck it in the garage? Then try to sell it privately? or call up some marinas if they buy old outboards? kevin
  17. i got one. go for it.
  18. gotta love working on the boat! btw sinker.. doesn't the wood add some weight to your boat?
  19. oooo. nice.. like my signature?
  20. long time no see. anyone remember me? lol been out of since mid last year, didnt get to go on the hard water. well the weather has been nice, i think i'll take the boat cover off and start getting it ready. see you guys out on the water!
  21. ill be sneaking by there tomorrow hopefully..
  22. i'll try to stop on by and i hope my boat is ready for it this year
  23. sounds like a fun tourney but too bad im sick of rice and dont have much luck on that lake.. have fun to all that are heading out!
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