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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. yes, when we get a federal gov't which takes their concerns with seniors seriously!
  2. Do I need a heavy casting rod to chuck a duck, or would my med-heavy do the job?? You expert opinions are invited!!
  3. "Flurries at times heavy ending near noon"----our local forecast!
  4. The big reason was economics. Costs could not be justified.
  5. I'm mucking about with this sort of thing too. I just bent a wire up so that I can push the line into a hole/slot and it stays there. I could show you a pic except it's so small that the detail might be lost.
  6. He meant hydro with a small h i.e. the hydroelectric stations that they sold to their buddies at as a great bargain.
  7. Yeah, no kidding. I'm not familiar with wood lathes at all. The only lathes I've seen were used for machining metal. For metal, as most of you know, the cutting tool is held in some sort of jig that allows the dist from the tool to the centerline of the work to be adjusted. It looks like you just hold the sanding block in your hand as the wood turns, correct? Great idea with the drills, Drifter. Your skill look a lot more advanced than mine though, so I don't know if I could build a lathe out of old drill(s). Re cedar--- I have some of that from a tree that was cut down on my property. Looking on-line I see that it's only about 20% more dense than balsa, so I might give it a try with that.
  8. There was more truth in that post than practically anything I have read on the subject---here or in the papers---for a long time.
  9. When can we come over for a visit?? I'm getting tired of hearing Canada geese, woodpeckers etc before I get out of bed!!
  10. The first White Rhino that wanders in my backyard is going to be dead, just the same!!!
  11. That's not quite right. They may stay in the cold water most of the day but typically at dusk they will move into shallow water to feed. They do most of their feeding in the summer and most of the feed is in shallow water. They move into shallows to be a predator but I guess if bass are around at the same time they may become prey.
  12. So do the bass eat the trout eggs or young trout or both, or do they consume the food that the small brookies need?
  13. There was an item on radio last year about coyotes in TO. The postman interviewed said he could tell when there were coyotes in the neighborhood when "Missing Kitty" signs appeared on telephone poles!
  14. A local water body the has bass has been stocked with brookies. MNR says they can co-exist but were a bit vague on how. Do any of you have first hand knowledge of these 2 species in the same lake, or have you read any detailed descriptions of the conditions under which this is possible. Naming the water body on here would, of course, subject me to a severe verbal flogging!! thx
  15. This post makes a lot more sense than the one above it!
  16. If there's a shortage of water there's not much Parks Canada can do to fix it. So far the feds are unable to control the weather, although Harper is such a control freak he probably has folks working on it.
  17. Your aim was a bit off when you blamed the prov gov't though!!
  18. I am not familiar with these at all. I checked the website and very little info is given re specs. I assume they are 12V. Can any of those be used, for e.g., to power a fish finder? They are quite a bit lighter than the std lead acid small 12V batts used for home alarms, for e.g.
  19. Mike, I don't think I've ever seen your pic on here unless you are holding a big fish and have a big ear-to-ear grin!! You da man!!
  20. Well, this one, for instance is described a sinking but not as countdown http://www.cabelas.com/product/Rapala-Sinking-Magnum/741706.uts
  21. What's the advantage of these countdown lures over regular sinking Rapalas?
  22. Exactly!! Ours think where we live in Wasaga is heaven. Sandy beach in summer, snow in winter, ducks to feed on the river----what's not to like! Simple and cheap entertainment. The 5 year old said "I like it here. We should come more often!"
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