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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Good news! I had a closer look and I could see there were some burrs toward the OD of the auger, esp on one blade. I Googled 'sharpening auger blades' and came up with this: ah, phukit!
  2. Only 6 more weeks up there would mean global warning has hit full stride!!!
  3. event?? now you are talking like 1 of those TV guys!!
  4. The groundhog is never wrong! Six more weeks of winter and an 'early spring' or one and the same thing!!
  5. Maybe you can pay the downtown parking in monthly installments!?
  6. I thought it was quite clever, but then again they have had several decades to come up with that!!
  7. I have not had the heartbreak that some on here have had and I consider myself lucky that I have not. But I did go thru a divorce nearly 20 yrs ago and, yes, you find out who your real friends are----and good riddance to the rest.
  8. Yeah, I know a guy from Halifax. He says they get a lot of rain but it's a dry rain!!
  9. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/cape-breton-amateur-weather-man-is-a-viral-video-star-1.1342904
  10. Apparently things were not as bad as they seemed. Looks ike the kids can go toboganning after all. http://www.stratfordbeaconherald.com/2015/01/28/no-ban-in-place-at-central-hill
  11. and now this!!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152962443355783&set=a.38958310782.70409.680875782&type=1&fref=nf
  12. Yeah, now they have to find something else to complain about----but probably won't have to look too far because they seem to have lots of experience in that area!!
  13. I'm not sure what the other media outlets had the say, but the T Star hammered at it pretty good.
  14. When that happens I'll be looking out the window for low flying pigs!!
  15. Good thinking, Big Guy! Even with a bumped head your thinking is quite clear!
  16. Where can I find one of those hot water drills?? Cabela's maybe?
  17. Today's Toronto Star has not 1, but 2, opinion pieces in favor of the Ajax rink. Maybe with the publicity they are giving it Ajax can be shamed into leaving well enough alone. I particularly liked he term "craphearts" that was used in the first piece to describe the complainants. From the first piece: "Because if there is a rule that says an ice rink filled with children violates some kind of appearance standard, then that rule is self-evidently wrong. And the politicians responsible for that rule — and the bureaucrats who report to them — ought to change it, immediately. Voters ought to make it clear that if the politicians will not stop this removal order, then the voters will order the removal of the politicians at the earliest opportunity. There comes a time to stand up on your skates and drop your gloves, a time to say “no” to the craphearts and killjoys and their flunkies." http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/01/23/take-our-hockey-rinks-from-our-cold-dead-lawns-keenan.html http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2015/01/26/why-is-ajax-taking-a-family-hockey-rink-into-the-boards-editorial.html
  18. Yes, it's good to see an old joke 're-purposed'. It also demonstrates that Cliffs brain is still working well!!
  19. Yes, but the collapse of that old feudal (or maybe quasi-feudal) system gave rise to 2 world wars and made communism so appealing. That's what I meant by ending very badly! Things are more unbalanced now than they were 30 years ago---we are heading in the wrong direction towards the edge of a cliff.
  20. Let me explain myself a bit better than my orig post: I was not using a GPS with Navionics on it. I just printed out a small section of the lake where we would be fishing. Nevertheless, I had quite an accurate idea of where I was from looking around me in the small cove we were in.If I believe my sonar readings, there should be a 'dip' or depression in the area that I checked----indicated by concentric closed loops. But there is no such indication on the map. The map shows the depth increasing more or less uniformly with further dist from the shore. So, while GPS accuracy is a pertinent topic for this forum, it's not really relevant to the issue on this thread.(I guess I should have elaborated a bit more in the first place ). I don't see the seasonal variation of water level to be particularly important. I.e. I'm interested in the relative depth-----the 'holes', bumps, ridges---the 'structure'--- rather than the absolute depth. I have to wonder where Navionics gets their very detailed 'data'. Has somebody really surveyed the lakes in such detail?? Or, did they take the cruder contours shown on gov't charts and interpolate them like crazy??
  21. How often do you buy new blades? I just used mine one season maybe about 8 outings, so I'm surprised that they already have a problem(but as I said, they feel sharp). Yeah, your buddy abusing your machine----doesn't auger well for the future of your friendship. (Sorry, just can't resist)
  22. Sounds like a fun day. Which Gull Lkae is that?
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