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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Good rule! It's your house, your rules!! And totally agree re being disrespectful. That B-I-L sound like a real piece of work. One in every family, I guess. I had 1 (now an ex-B-I-L....thank god for small mercies) who could prob give him a run for his money in an AZZ of the year contest(but that's a whole other story! )
  2. Bear in mind that the city has no obligation to approve a minor variance. The onus is on the applicant to make the case for approval. If they approved all applications the committee could be replaced by a rubber stamp.
  3. Our const focuses on 'peace, order, and good government" Two out of three ain't bad!!
  4. Signed, Extortion by public officials!! Shame on them. CBC sometimes have this sort of situation featured. Time to see a lawyer.
  5. I, for one, don't think JP's comments are ridiculous at all. I know there are good cops, but there are more than a fair share of arrogant dicks who think they are above the law. Keep treating citizens that way and sooner or later someone will pay---maybe not the right cop and maybe totally and violently off the scale. I've seen lots of 'minor' cases of cops thinking they are above the law---tailgating a driver going the speed limit, creating a traffic hazard by sticking the rear end of their parked car when dealing with some issue on the side of the road. I was nearly T-boned by a cop car gunning it thru an amber light. I know these are fairly small things but it shown an attitude, IMO I commend JP and any others for standing up for their rights, be they American, Canadian or whatever. Respect is a 2-way street. I
  6. I think some parts of the US are just a small step away from 60's style riots.
  7. Where else could you find such a quiet and serene place as this so close to the city?
  8. Yes indeed! What a country we have here and how fortunate we are!!
  9. Palomar is my std for tying hooks, snap swivels etc. I use the blood knot sometimes for line-to-line but I find they tend to slip if I'm not real careful with the tying. Always do a good test after tying. I sometimes use micro-swivels but if I want to use a long leader on my spinng rod I use a blood knot----don't want the swivel passing thru the top eye! Have done that by accident and it's not pretty.
  10. As they used to say in the old western movies "Hanging's too good for them!"
  11. Killing somebody over a stupid truck!! How cold blooded and merciless can anyone get? Don't ever want to hear their names again. Throw away the key!!!
  12. ssssh---don't tell McD's. They'll probably have McGansers!!!
  13. Some good news! http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/tragically-hip-last-concert-cbc-1.3639948
  14. Don't think it was Beanpole. I think access has been cut off and it's no longer stocked. That's where I caught 1 of my first rainbows---about 5 lb and stuffed with crays.
  15. OK, have a gander at this and explain to us again why gun control is a bad idea!!! http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/oct/02/mass-shootings-america-gun-violence?CMP=fb_gu
  16. Some of those people should be taken to the edge of the earth and thrown off!!!
  17. Yes, we care. But I find that the more chances Americans pass up to better control their guns the harder it is for me to care.
  18. Art, I think you have explained the pleasure of owning and using these guns in a way that many of us non-gun owners can at least begin to understand. But are you really saying that some peoples' lives should be put in danger because because other, such as you, can have the pleasure of owning and using these guns?
  19. On Lake O with a tin boat yesterday?????
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