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Ralph Field

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Everything posted by Ralph Field

  1. I use the San Diego Jam knot (www.netknots.com ) and the palomar as well as the double uni for joining lines.
  2. I guess Barrie needs the extra funds !
  3. I read that in order to go raccoon hunting you have to have a registered hunting dog. I have never heard this before and years ago we shot all kinds of raccoons without having a dog present. I own a mixed breed a Beagle crossed with a German Sheppard, so if I take her fishing or hunting am I breaking some new law ?
  4. I enjoy telling the air duct callers that I earn my living from cleaning air ducts and asking them for their list of contacts.
  5. Welcome to the forum. Now days I almost exclusively chase steelhead with one of those " clothe-pin " reels. I concentrate on Lake Huron tribs.
  6. Being with a friend is always the best part of any fishing day.
  7. Thanks Drifter_016 and Spinnerdoc for helping with the proper name (heli coil).
  8. I cannot remember the proper name , but I was able to repair threads in a stripped spark plug hole with some sort of coil. Perhaps it was called a heely coil ?
  9. I have a major Roger's box outside my fence at the back of the lot and during major power failures they show up with a generator to keep the phones working.
  10. I don't work ! Retirement is great this time of year.
  11. You might consider trolling minnow baits off a 3-way swivel. One eye of the swivel attaches to your mainline, the next to a light line dropper to which you attach a weight , and the third eye attaches to your leader connected to your lure. You can vary the length of your dropper to adjust how close to bottom you want to be and you can add a steel leader to your other leader if you are worried about pike biting through your leader. Trolling a swim bait is another option.
  12. I hate to see this, since I still get home delivery. The cost of a stamp going up to a dollar is bad and perhaps the cancellation of home delivery is suppose to make this more acceptable.
  13. Fishing licences aren't needed if your an old angler like me.
  14. Great looking dogs and perch taste great.
  15. Great Video, thanks for posting. Did you know that West Jet donates free flights for the Make-A-Wish charity.
  16. I fished for many years with a WW2 vetrin who had many stories of his time over seas. He has now also passed away. My condolences to you and your family.
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