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Ralph Field

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Everything posted by Ralph Field

  1. MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-op ) carries many bikes and could advise you. I believe they have a store in Kitchener.
  2. No better way to spend your birthday than fishing. Those houses in the third last picture look like they will topple into the river soon.
  3. Don't ask about benefits and wages, that comes up in later interviews.
  4. Time to bring out the bikes and canoes !
  5. well worth exploring ,once the season begins. The walking looks like a chore.
  6. Congratulations ! Most dogs are great.
  7. Ralph Field


    Beautiful picture Bill !
  8. I saw this on a different forum, and thought this may affect some here Massive Development In Midhurst Threatens the Notty
  9. Sorry for your loss. Dogs quickly become part of our families and part of our everyday lives.
  10. Here is a youtube video that seems appropriate: http://youtu.be/wkDvqQKGgDA
  11. Railway City Brewing has a stout called Blackhole available from November to April. It is a 6% beer. I don't know if it is sold at the LCBO orif you would have to go on a road trip to ST. Thomas which is near London to get some. They do have a website , if you are interested.
  12. Years ago my friend and I were fishing at Port Dallousie and the wardens were checking licences. While they were checking my friend's licence, I said I guess I'm next and dug out my wallet and to my surprise my licence wasn't there. I told the warden it must still be at the bottom of my tackle box that I used on my summer vacation. I went to his truck, and as Joey mentioned, he checked on his hand held computer and told me the day on which I had purchased my current licence. Instead of telling me my day was done or fining me he told me to enjoy the rest of the day and to put my licence back into my wallet when I got home.
  13. Hopefully you won't have to take the hunter safety course again !
  14. I think that I may need one of these soon. http://www.chonday.com/Videos/snowblowvch1
  15. That is a lot of snow. The pictures of the owl are fantastic.
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