A buddy and I canoed out to the nuke plant this morning. Buddy had a cool cart thing, so we just pulled the canoe down to the rouge and launched from there. We got to the plant shortly after 8am, and the west outflow was just loaded with fish. Probably saw about 30 smallies, some of the biggest I've ever seen... must've been 5-6lbers, the smallest being around 2.5-3 lbs. A whack load of big dirty carps, a few rainbows and 1 Chinny. Could not get a single fish to bite. Threw everything we had at them, crankbaits, tubes, worms, jigs, swimbaits, flies, dropshots... The fish would come by and look at the offerings, get within a couple inches and say... "Nah screw you" and turn around. The water was crystal clear, so I had a 2ft leader of light mono... that didn't make any difference though. Anyone have any luck there? Is there anything I'm doing wrong?