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Everything posted by Miracon

  1. LOVE Cool Hand Luke!
  2. I can back up what HH is saying with a great example! I met Rob (usually the worse half unless I've had too much wine!) on Plenty of Fish (pretty ironic now! Hehe!). As a female on a dating website, you get a lot of messages. So many of them contained horrible spelling and no punctuation that I couldn't understand them at all! The nude pics were starting to go from annoying to more preferable as at least I didn't need to try to figure out what they meant! It got to the point I didn't bother looking at their profile if they couldn't take the time to use a simple spell check. I figured if they aren't going to put any effort into that, what else are they not going to put effort into! I am sooooo totally NOT high maintenance as this post might suggest (in fact, the complete opposite!)...but communication is key! Of course most people aren't Shakespeare (I can barely make out half the stuff my son writes!). It's just about making the effort to correct what you can when it's so easy now so you are better understood. Rob's spelling and grammar were perfect in his first message to me that I replied. And we went on a blind date and have been together for 3 1/2 years since!
  3. LMAO mike and tb! @ Nick! Darn! Missed it or wouldn't have double posted! Wish I was the first though! Haha! @ Roy...I LOVE that video! Could watch it more then once!
  4. Wow! That is really impressive!
  5. This was on my FB wall so just wanted to share for a laugh!
  6. A HUGE thanks to everyone taking the time to offer their advice...I've been copying and pasting it all into my notes also as it helps other newbies too!! And just to back up what Art was saying about Ron...although I was unable to get the time, Ron was very kind and offered to take myself and my son out fishing in his boat! So I just wanted to vouch for his kindness! I was a little afraid however as I know he has a tendency to drop his pants when fishing!!!
  7. Thanks for this thread! We have our 2 new combos and the old one's we discovered at my mother-in-laws house that I would never have thought I needed to do anything with while resting in the garage through the winter! So I appreciate the info being provided here!
  8. LMAO Geoff! Too funny! Glad to hear you made it through! And you had some entertainment for the evening!
  9. Hey Rod! Just checking to make sure you survived the night!
  10. Congrats on the new addition Aaron! She's adorable! They sure do grow up fast! And you wonder where the time goes! Here's a cute idea...on their 16th birthday, do a slideshow for them of them growing up complete with music they like. My daughters' was 45 minutes long and I am still working on my son's! I didn't finish it on time for August. When you work on the shows, you will really wonder where the time went! Oh, and lucky for you...yours were born already in the digital age! I had to scan pics from the first 6 years and that was a pain! Haha! Oh, and did you notice having bigger babies that you couldn't wait to get them home so they looked like a newborn?! My son was 10lbs 1oz and already lifting his head up...he looked like a 3mnth old in the ward compared to the other 3 newborns! Haha! Again, congrats! And a word of warning...the girls start PMS'ing at 8! Good luck with that!
  11. Wow! That's crazy! Please say you're not at Bates Motel! That bear could re-enact the shower scene!
  12. Nice fishies! Congrats!
  13. Here's a newbie perspective on it. I am new to fishing (started at the end of this summer ) and to this forum. I originally came here looking for advice on where to go fishing and received more help then I could ever have imagined! And I posted my reports. But because of the people on here (and people are what make a forum!), I am hooked and love to spend a small part of my spare time reading through posts. A lot of what I read is to learn more about fishing so I am better prepared for the spring. However, I also want to become a MEMBER here, not just a newbie looking for advice. And not just someone who posts when they only need help. Because I can't yet give advice on fishing (except maybe how NOT to catch anything! ), the only other way for people to get to know me is if there are other topics I may be able to participate in or even start. I am an active member in 2 other forums for business purposes. In those forums you get eaten alive!! All posts have to be on topic but when you ask a question, it could be jumped all over and when you give advice, it can be jumped all over! I am certain a lot of fear stops people from posting altogether which is counter-productive to the forum's purpose. It was with great pleasure I found OFC and everyone here and it's nice to have found an awesome combination of a great fishing resource and an exciting place to hang out. In the short time I have been here, I have laughed at posts, shed a tear at posts, and above all, learned more about fishing! So a great job to the mods and members of OFC for making this place exactly what a forum should be! Michelle
  14. When I was younger, I used to not bother to wear my seat belt. My argument always was that I didn't need one for my motorcycle nor on the bus. And then I totaled 2 bikes (the other guy was charged each time...had to mention!) and I learned what it was like to be ejected! And to top it off, the first time I landed under a TTC bus just as it started to pull away (luckily the woman that got off the bus could scream really loud! Haha!) and the 2nd time I landed in oncoming traffic on Avenue Rd during rush hour. Another close call! Flying through the air and not knowing what the outcome of your landing is going to be is NOT fun! Especially when everything is in slow motion and you have time to think about it! Haha! I always wear a seat belt now and make sure everyone else in the vehicle is buckled up also or the wheels don't move.
  15. Reminds me of this video we found when trying to remember how Nick showed us to filet our Perch! Haha!
  16. I'm very sorry Brian!
  17. OMG Corvette! That is horrible! I am very sorry for your loss.
  18. Wow! Thanks for the awesome detailed report! Reports like this are great reference to people going out to try for the first time! Congrats!
  19. Thanks for sharing the video! it was great to watch! Good luck with your new gear Miro!
  20. Awesome report to read! Didn't need any pics to picture it in my head as you described it so well! I agree...awesome you put the health of the fish first!
  21. Done! He's a cutie!
  22. I always thought they were pink!!! Awesome catch!
  23. Great report! It was a pleasure to read!
  24. Too funny! Thanks for sharing!
  25. Very sorry about your Mom and your friend Dave. I hope your Dad is getting through ok.
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