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Everything posted by Miracon

  1. Thanks Dan! They are an AWESOME music school in Barrie! They hold 3 shows a year (at Sticky Fingers) so students can play in a live setting and get used to it! The teachers fill in where they need to (even if they dislike the song! Haha!)! In this case, the drummer (11 yr old female) picked the song and then they asked my son to learn it as no other student could shred it like him. The 2 singing are 2 of their teachers. These guys give sooooo much of themselves for their students, it's insane! They are the absolute best! Thanks for liking the video!
  2. Rope by Foo Fighters! Only because it's my son's latest music school show song and he is lead guitar. And he rocked the solos starting @ 3:20! Can you tell I am proud mommy! He's only been playing 2 1/2 years...never picked up a guitar before then! He's on the far left...
  3. Welcome Blainer! I'm quite new here myself and and am completely new to fishing. I am learning so much from the awesome group here! The Salt of the Earth hang out here. Everyone here are beyond helpful and the humour is plentiful! A HUGE word of warning...this place is extremely addictive causing less productivity! Consider yourself warned!!!
  4. Wow! That is gorgeous! I'm very jealous!
  5. Thanks Mike! Will definitely oil them! And thanks so much Sinclair and Dana! At the moment, I seriously can't tell the difference from one combo to another so your information has been extremely helpful! I've definitely come to the right place to learn! And hopefully one day I won't be so green that I can be a little helpful to future newbies!
  6. Came home from a weekend away packing another house and was looking forward to walking into the warmth of our house. No such luck...it was down to 53 degrees! And there were 2 very unhappy Bearded Dragons! Haha! So turned the furnace on for the first time this year and got it back up to 69! We can't have a real burning fireplace either due to my daughters' asthma but this was my Xmas present last year. And now every time I try to use it, he complains the fan keeps him awake! SHEESH!!!!
  7. Rizzo - LMAO about the girlfriend gift! And will definitely change the line! Don't want to lose the monster I am catching next! monster - Great to know it's lasted that long! Nick - Awesome! I was really hoping to hear the ones we bought were better after investing the money in them. It would have been a shame to find out these are way better and we could have made do with them before buying more. I'm glad we have a little variety now though...and yes, it's perfect for the kids considering both boys love to fish too. In fact, I keep having to put off a dock fishing date with my 16 yr old son because of moving my mother-in-law. Thanks for the offer to give some maintenance tips! I would definitely love to take you up on that and will keep in touch!
  8. Mercman, they were my father-in-laws. He went into a nursing home about 4 years ago with Dimentia. He wasn't a huge angler but did a little fishing. We found a little tackle box too with some stuff but nothing overly impressive in there. May post a few of the lures to see what the heck they are used for! Haha! That's awesome about the equipment you inherited! FishLogic-That's great to know! I'll let you know about the auto reposition (whatever that is?! Haha!).
  9. Dana & ccmt...this is why you guys ROCK! I wasn't even thinking outside the box enough to think that logically! Totally going to take your advice and maybe rig 2 with plastics and 2 with live and switch back and forth! Now I am totally thrilled to have 4 combos rather then whine that I could have avoided buying 2! Yeah!
  10. Thanks Dana! Knew they were good for bikes! haha! Roy - LMAO! Love it and will remember that when it happens! The other bright side is we have 4 kids between us (3 of which like to fish too!), so they will come in handy! Just not sure which 2 combos we should use now if it's just the 2 of us! The Quantums or these 2. Decisions, decisions!
  11. OMG Bosh! Awesome to know!
  12. Thanks Mike and Roy! The line IS worn as one broke when I hooked the hook in my sweater (long weekend and a car full of crap! haha!)! But apart from that, as you said, they look mostly unused. Just wish we'd have found them a month ago before buying the 2 Quantums! I'm sure they would have done us just fine!
  13. My mother-in-law just went into a retirement home and we have been packing up her home that recently sold. A lot of stuff! I KNOW I've been bitten by the fishing bug, because out of all the home contents of china, crystal, jewelry, etc., (that I could have) the only thing I got excited about was seeing the handles of 2 fishing rods hanging out a loft above the garage! It took 2 weeks of knowing they were up there and could be absolutely anything, to finally get them down! They are covered in years worth of dust but I swept them off a bit and they feel sooooooo nice! I was thrilled to see they were both combos. I took pics and was hoping maybe someone here (what the hell am I thinking...maybe! Of course you guys will know!), would know if they are decent. Here are the pics...
  14. OMG!!!!! Love it and sooooo true! Just for the record...a recent WagJag was for 3 full oil changes from Midas (on Yonge St in Barrie) for $30! Awesome deal! No taxes or extra charges once you got their either. Gotta LOVE those Daily Deals!
  15. Hi Royston! My husband and I are just getting into fishing and only have the bare minimum so far. No boat as of yet. We'd love to meet new people to fish with and are in the Barrie area so that would be cool. It's just we still qualify as amateurs so aren't the best fishing companions yet! Haha! But we're definitely looking forward to meeting others to fish with. Keep in touch! :-)

  16. Cheaters! What did great fishermen from pre-tech days rely on?! Just kidding! As a noob to fishing, my first 2 goals are... 1. Get a boat! and 2. Get a gps/fishfinder so I know where the hell I am going and how to get back! Oh, and finding some fish in between would be a big help! Congrats on your great purchase! I'll revisit this post when I am ready to get one. Sounds like a good one!
  17. Typical Dad...Stay away from my daughters, or else...!!! Congrats on BOTH your beautiful girls!
  18. I really enjoyed Fast 5 so I'm sure it will be a while before another car movie comes out that can compare (despite the mistakes to the critical eye! Haha!). But I'm a huge Gosling fan...so between him and a car...it's enough for me! Even if he gears up while in reverse (I've been known to that myself sometimes!!)
  19. Wow! The trailer looks awesome! Love to watch car movies but makes me sad (the Worse Half then!) sold his baby a few years ago! I loved doing burnouts in this beast... Going to see the movie soon!
  20. I happen to know a raccoon you could feed it to!!!!
  21. LMAO! Totaled my favorite bike from someone turning left! Pickup vs. me and my 450 Honda...the pickup won! Very nice bike! Very jealous right now!
  22. Oh my Gosh! I've just read through this thread for the first time! What an absolutely stunning daughter you have Wayne! In all aspects! I like to believe there is a reason good people are dealt difficult cards when others more deserving never turn one up! One day, it will all make sense! Karma, as you say. In the meantime, Jen is clearly going to win her battles and live a normal, fulfilling life...because she has fought so hard for what others take for granted! And one day there will finally be the moment...the moment when it makes sense why she had to suffer through all this. And hopefully it will be a GOOD moment so it can mean enough to erase the pain and replace it with accomplishment. But regardless of all that, she is beautiful...a fighter...and destined to outlive everyone else! Thank you for taking the close friends you know well here, and the complete strangers like myself on this incredible journey of hope! I wish Jen and your family all the very best in the days to come!
  23. Thanks for your comment on Ammonia! It was really funny too! It will come in handy the next time unwanted relatives want to visit!

  24. Thanks sooo much for reporting that! She actually was able to borrow one from a co-worker but I'll pass that along as she may want to have one handy in the future! Haha! But you got me thinking now...I got a mean stray cat attacking the birds at my bird feeder, the bunny that hangs out in my backyard and the squirrels! Not to mention it went on the back deck of our neighbours and attacked their old cat who only stays in their back yard. $800 at the vet it cost them! That trap is sounding mighty tempting!!!!
  25. Thanks Dan! Awesome advice!
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