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Everything posted by Miracon

  1. OK...this is NOT from me (I'm on the "pet" side! Haha!)!! Rob (worse half) told me I have to add this to the other recipes being offered... BEST Goose Recipe EVER! Marinade the goose in wine (minimum overnight) Put it on a cedar plank. Put it in your oven at 450 degrees. When its done, take the goose out. Throw it in the garbage, and eat the cedar plank. Best timber you ever tasted!
  2. LMAO Geoff! But I was kinda agreeing and thinking they might get along! At least until my pet eats yours! northern - Thanks! That's awesome to know! And she's already threatened to drive it to MY house! I will point out it's not far enough!!!
  3. Welcome aboard! If you need any advice about any kind of fishing...just ask me! I'm the senior expert here! You've come to the right place to share and ask! The people here are the best!
  4. My Brother-in-law has a membership. He says he would never do it again but has gotten some great deals in the meantime. I will get more information from him for you in the morning.
  5. grt1 - Thanks. I'll send her the link so she can check it out! ccmt - Hysterical! And they ARE cute! If they wouldn't eat your house, they would be a great pet! And knowing my friend, she would keep him! MJL - Too funny! Why don't we just eat the same garbage they eat?! Nick - Good to know! I haven't been there in years (not since I bought a hovabator to raise silkworms to feed my Bearded Dragons - but that's another story!).
  6. Thanks so much Rattle! Now I'm really hoping she can get him/her out of her home! Haha! I've been to the TSC in Alliston (lived there for a bit a few years ago). I'll keep that in mind!
  7. Huge thumbs down to all the "cooking" comments (although they were hysterical!)! Look how adorable he is! I'm on the "pet" side! And I LOVE the weed control idea! I'm all for keeping him around!
  8. Thanks Hud! And Nick...that's super kind of you to offer! One day I'm hoping YOU will need something I can help with!! Haha! I'll keep you posted if she may still need it by then. I phoned the municipality but they don't do anything about private properties. And I phone the toll rental places but the few that do have them are out (must be the time of year! Haha!). But then I phoned the SPCA and they gave great advice. They said to soak rags in ammonia and place them in a coffee tin with holes in the sides. They said raccoons hate the smell and will stay away. So she's getting the stuff tonight and setting it up right away. The raccoon already ate a hole right through her garage door wall and she can see outside now. And at the moment she's going through a rough financial patch and her father has just become gravely ill so this is the last thing she needs! Haha! And she is the kind of person who would do anything for anyone so I hate to see her run of bad luck! Thanks again for everyone's help!
  9. Thanks so much lew! Will do!
  10. Hi Guys! Looked on Kijiji with no luck. My best friend has a raccoon eating through her house and can't afford an exterminator. Not sure if anyone knows where I can find one cheap or rent one. But thought this would be a great place to check! Thanks in advance!
  11. Here are a couple of places I found by doing a search...was actually just looking too as I want to take my son out for the Barrie Fishing Festival. Lake Simcoe Marine Bonnie Boats Never used them though so can't recommend. But hope it helps!
  12. Awesome score! Enjoy!
  13. Can't tell you good places to fish but Welcome to Barrie!
  14. When I used to live in the North West end of Barrie, it was very ripe for about a week in spring and fall! Used to run from the door to the car! I am not missing that!
  15. Thanks corvette! Will do!
  16. Hi back and thanks for the welcome on my profile! :-)

  17. Thanks phart for my laugh of the day!! I have the "cooking with wine" saying on a plaque in my kitchen!
  18. Corvette...if we are ever to catch that many...we better get a hell of a lot faster at cleaning them or we won't eat for a week!
  19. Back to Pigeon Lake and spend as long as it takes to finally catch a fish there! Actually, I would just retire immediately so I could spend a month on here learning from all you Pros first!!!
  20. Thanks lew! I guess I thought it was a real fish by the description of it jumping out of the water! Which anything will do being dragged behind a moving boat! Duh! Much appreciated!
  21. Awesome fish! It's definitely on my bucket list to know what it must feel like to pull in something like that! I'm assuming a Grandma is another fish being used as bait? Total Newbie question but trying to keep up! Haha!
  22. When the big guy bit I almost thought it was a giant weed cause that is what I'm used to catching! But I could tell right away it was something pretty big! It was an awesome feeling reeling it in and not knowing what was on the end!! And Thanks Nick! I did get the baiting the hook experience from going to the Kawarthas on the long weekend when I spent all my time feeding the fish!!!! They just kept eating the worms off my hook....laughing at me the whole time! But taking the fish off was new! Nick didn't mention I was useless if the fish swallowed it though!
  23. Here is a great free one... Any Video Converter And a great cheap paid one... AVS Video Converter Hope that helps!
  24. This is very sad. There is still a chance for a positive outcome. My fingers are crossed!
  25. LMAO! You guys are hysterical! Rizzo...ever see the rock-kicker downtown?! I definitely stay out of his line of fire! Nick...haven't noticed it myself yet. Guess I should be thankful!
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