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Everything posted by SirWhite

  1. Sold
  2. Planned a half day trip up to Lower Buckhorn for tomorrow. Never been before. I've got three apps running all day tracking this storm. Might pull it off. Looks like the rain is concentrated in bands that have 2 and a half hour windows. Risky but big payoff coldfront possibilities. Fingers crossed
  3. I hear ya. I was up in Peterborough area all weekend. Area flooded on and off Rain then later i got a sunburn. Couldn't get a follow on my 10" Believer so downsized to a #5 mepps, caught an almost pound and a half Rock Bass, when up to 6" Grandma an caught a three pound Smallie. Went back up to a willow blade tandem treble mepps and caught a 20" Musky,I had no more sizes to try. Makes me question why I've spent so much money, ok that was a lie, it makes my Wife question it. Oh and I lost the screw retainer nut on my old Abu c4 Tough weather weekend
  4. Nice! I am heading over to Rice Lake for opening weekend. It's my first "official" Musky Season. Finally have some proper gear. Countdown 5 days
  5. The reels in question are Abu's C4 5601 and an STX-L (1st Gen)
  6. Thinking of doing a bearing upgrade soon. I have thought to go for the Boca orange seal. Any ideas on these and is eBay the best place to purchase them?
  7. Yeah it seems very redundant like our money is getting soaked up in administration and not conservation
  8. No I'm above a shop on a busy street. Basically my door opens to my stairs. He must of thought it was just an entrance to a store? I'm not sure but it blew my mind. It would have been totally unacceptable if he was not delivering my new reel lol
  9. Tell em to pick up a rod!
  10. So I am awakened this morning to the sound of my doorbell. Woohoo! I say as I am expecting my new Revo stx today. I jump outta bed, quickly put on some jogging pants and race to the front of my apartment. As I am traversing my hallway I notice there is someone standing at the top of my stairs IN my apartment! Holy f I say, I quickly recognize the postal outfit. Phewf. He hands me a box. I smile, now get the f outta my house. He would've died if he hadn't been holding my new fishing gear. Turns out the wife didn't lock the door when she left to shop. Alls well that ends well I guess lol
  11. Lol, the things we do
  12. Unilock too lol. And they wouldn't put a warranty on your numbers
  13. I wouldn't say extreme as much as correct lol If not compacted a vehicles weight will create craters. Fact. You must imagine any vehicles weight is transferred to the ground via the tires and only a small amount (maybe 5"*5") of each tire contacts the ground. This creates tones of pressure on a small area which results in autonomy failure (craters) I've been doing this stuff for a long time and am certified by Landscape Ontario lol I'm not just pissin in the wind. if you went by the "book" 12" of compacted materials in a combo of gran "a" (8") and screenings (4") for a real base and compacted every 2" to 3"
  14. Bang on. However if you do not grade and tamp every 3" you'll have lots of valleys. If your looking for an easier route use 3/4" on top of what u already have, the clear gravel is easier to push around and fill up holes, clear gravel is nasty on bare feet and never truly compacts like limestone screenings or gran "a" but can be moved by a rake regardless of how long it's been down. Just some FYI. Good luck
  15. KMPlayer is probably the best to use. You can change aspect ratios and many other things but it is simpler than VLC. Also if on IPhone get AVPlayer and all movies can play on your Apple product.
  16. I didn't earn my dog and I certainly don't deserve my Wife, lol
  17. We only import oil for reasons of trade. We have oil, lots and lots of it, we ship it out, and then pay to bring it back (refined) you should google this stuff it's a nightmare in logic. All comes down to trade. If we want fresh Oranges we trade our Oil.
  18. Biebers such a donkey.
  19. That is absolutely indisputable. Counter point- find some pics of South Africa during the aparthide. Segregated people with no proper infrastructure tend to be a bit lax about cleaning. Furthermore look at any poverty stricken area, including parts of the towns we all live in. To blame the First Nations for our problems seems pretty petty. Everyone knows the history. I myself am 9th gen Canadian (via U.K.) and carry 1/64 Mohawk blood. I am very proud of that, give me three acres please lol
  20. Fair enough, but is there any difference in who will be elected? These guys all grew up amongst the middle to upper classes and took political science in university. Who do they really represent? Not me. Not Joe Plumber, not your Brother who got laid off last month, and certainly not the First Nations. If not Harper it will be another fool running away with the Countries assets with no consequence or recourse to them personally. The politicians need to fear the public. They do not. That's what protests are for, or walk up Parliament and drag them out. Good luck Canada!
  21. I hope you guys post lots of pics. I will make a point to make the next one!
  22. So the fish are helpless than? That sucks, should be a mandatory service shouldn't it? The local Firemen probably aren't doing much lol.
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