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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. cash if at all possible. I can't stand to finance a depreciating asset, even if that means not buying a new maserati every 2 years. but if cash isnt an option, i would say financing would be your best choice.
  2. i got a 22" brown casting hardware in the harbour a few days ago just get out there and youll catch 'em!
  3. ok thats gotta be the FATTEST perch I've ever seen! WTG!
  4. thats from the hatchery, right? I rented a cottage in inverhuron for a few years and always wanted to go there! nice pics!
  5. some nice walleye and a few smaller perch. there are also some big bluegills kicking around
  6. dude thats HUGE!!!!
  7. probably not much ice up there but i really have no clue. the main species people target there is perch but there are also probably some sunfish, crappies, and pike kicking around as well.
  8. that pike is so fat!! nice job!!!
  9. great shop i always stop by every year on my way to bobcaygeon. they have tons of tackle for good prices too!
  10. walleye... I've had good luck up at belwood lake near fergus. there are lots of pike and bass in that lake with a few decent szed walleye mixed in. I usaully use jigs and stuff there all year around basically and sometimes troll in the summer.
  11. They are pretty much the same as raccoons. They will knock over all your garbarge and tear it apart to eat, leave poop EVERYWHERE, and they can get real mean when cornered. I had one that decided he would like to move in with me so I ended up trapping him and re-locating him on the other side of the QEW.
  12. Hey everybody I drove over the skyway bridge today and caught a glimpse of the fishermans pier. I was wondering if there would be anything (trout and salmon wise)hanging around there this time of year or would it pretty well be dead? If there is anything there, would I be best off casting hardware or drifting roe? I'd like to get out a few more times this year. Thanks in advance - Matt
  13. when would a tiny body of water (small pond) freeze over? dec 15th?
  14. My dad backed into an SUV a few years ago, and I think he just made a cash deal with the guy.
  15. my last rod they lowered the sticker price $20
  16. congrats, you have caught more walleye in 8 hours then I have in my lifetime
  17. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. i love catching big fall panfish
  19. minnows, leeches, worms
  20. jigs and husky jerks
  21. Thanks.
  22. Are smaller trout (14-16") okay to eat in moderation? Thanks, Matt.
  23. my biggest walleye is 4.5 lbs, those look like they could eat it!!!
  24. time for a different guide
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