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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. bigger baits, and after dark!!
  2. I've seen a fatty caught at la salle in sept a few years ago. on a spinnerbait.
  3. caught on orangeville reservoir..!!!
  4. I use my 6'6 M spooled with 10 lb braid on a 2500 size reel. Go for it!
  5. I dock fish for walleye all the time at my cottage! Similar layout to yours, 7 ft weedbed about 15 feet out. The eyes come in to feed at night. I have a thrill lighted bobber that I use, set the depth to 5 ft, and put on either a leech, minnow, or worm. I had the most luck on a big fat leech last time. I have some pics as proof of what it can do on my laptop but don't know how to post. I also had very good luck casting a floating original rapala. I got a 16" and lost an even larger one in one night doing that as well as numerous 12-14".
  6. Cool report, and nice fish. If you don't mind me asking, how fast do you troll? Thanks, Matt.
  7. Not too many fish in cootes asides from carp and mini bullheads. Maybe the odd white bass too. Thats all I've caught there anyways.Hamilton Harbor is better. Try bayfront for bass or go to the fisherman's pier for salmon soon.
  8. If you do that, wouldn't the fish 'fall apart' and go through the grill? Sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm only 16 (learning to cook). Matt.
  9. LOL! srry couldn't help myself
  10. Good report. You may find that bumping up the size of your spinner will also bump up the sizes of fish you catch. I generally use a mepps #2 or #3 spinner when fishing the grand, it keeps the baby SMB and chubs off, and the bigger bass seem to eat bigger spinners more. This isent always the case, but it seems to work for me, especially in river fishing. Good luck! Matt.
  11. wow, nice fish! I have never caught a pike that big, which is funny considering my name lol.
  12. Jeez, some of you bass guys are crazy!!! You have more plastics than I will ever own in my life!
  13. Muskie Lake Trout 20" walleye Aurora Trout (dreaming) EDIT: I'd also love to catch a 5lb+ brookie one day too!!
  14. I couldn't catch anything when I went out on Simcoe, as well as every other place I fish. I have caught about 1/2 of the fish that I did last year, and that includes everything from small stream brookies to open water fishing on big lakes. I think it must be the weather, because I'm doing all the exact same things I did last year. I haven't even caught a pike over 30" this year!!!! Hopefully next year will be better, because I'm feeling like I suck this season.
  15. I used to fish there as a kid 5-6 years ago. Plenty of bluegills+perch there still.
  16. lasalle, bayfront park, fishermans pier, etc
  17. Right under the skyway bridge. When you drive over you can see it. Fish the lake side, not the harbour. Matt.
  18. I live in southern Burlington. I can take a 2 minute drive to la salle park and catch pike, bass, panfish, as well as trout and salmon in the colder months. The only problem with la salle is it's infested with gobbys and they will gladly eat your bait before any other fish gets to it. Besides from la salle, other places such as bronte harbour, cootes paradise, bayfront, etc. will all have some bigger fish kicking around. The salmon should also be starting to move in about now, try heading down to the fishermans pier at dawn or dusk, cast spoons as far off as you can, and you may get a 20 to 30 pound salmon.
  19. I have a 5'6 UL st. croix premier and a shimano sahara 1000FD, paired with 4 lb mono. I tried it out for brookies, panfish, and a few SMB with the odd walleye and it works fine. Not too expensive as well, wouldent cry if I dented something up. EDIT: typo
  20. I'm currently 16 years old, and have memories of going up to my cottage since I was about 3 or 4. I think the things I enjoyed most were catching crayfish and frogs with a bug net and a bucket, and playing in the water with rubber floaty toys. Now I usually 'occupy' myself with fishing, swimming, and water sports, but simple things like that kept me busy for days when I was younger. Hope this helps!
  21. Why don't you buy an older jimmy or something for an outdoors/towing vehicle?
  22. I use 8 lb fireline on my spinning setup, never had any trouble with that.
  23. agreed, but you still should get a few showing up around the piers in a few weeks. Try fishing at night with glow-in-the-dark cleo spoons. You'll want to bring a lantern and a net with an extendable handle too. Matt.
  24. nice fish! As for techniques, I'd try a wolf river rig (three way rig) if you are trolling for speckles in a lake. Tie a 6 lb fluoro leader off the swivel and attach whatever lure you want to troll (mepps, rapala, etc). Use a 1-2 oz. bell sinker to tie off the other swivel to get the lure running down deep.
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