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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. oh yea and don't eat the fish from there!!! or anywhere in hamilton harbour. they are discusting
  2. awsome!!!
  3. I've never tried it of course, but from what i've read, snaggers use earplugs because they float (so the big treble hook suspends in the water column) and when a salmon gets close they'll set the hook really hard and try to snag them
  4. monster 5 of diamond spoons in rapids less then 3" deep, blue fox #5 spinners, and huge trebles with 2 earplugs stuck onto them.
  5. It really bugs me that these guys can get away with this stuff. I'll be adding the MNR number to my phone.
  6. Hey all I went for a walk up at loweville park to try and see the salmon spawning one more time. I saw 2 guys snagging with big spinners and spoons and earplugs stuck to big treble hooks. I told them that they wernt allowed to be fishing there and they ignored me. I continued on my walk, turned back eventually and they were still there (20 minutes later). I pulled out the camera and they instantly stopped fishing, so they knew that they were snagging in a sanctuary. Is there anything I can do about these idiots? I have pictures of them but no ID (lisence plate, etc.) Would It be worth it to call the MNR?
  7. As Clarence said, you have just about every species swimming around there. Bass, pike, perch, crappie, sunfish, salmon, trout, bullheads, channel cats, white bass, gar, sheepshead, carp, you name it. One guy on youtube even caught a lake trout in there! I hear there are some slab crappies kicking around right now if you know where to look For bait, you can't go wrong with live minnows or worms underneath a float or try throwing some tube jigs around right now. Corn works good for carp too if your in to that.
  8. hopefully the high muddy water will push them upstream some more. I think that this happens every year though....
  9. amazing pics and huge fish
  10. I think I might go with primrose over fish 4 trout as their prices seem a bit 'insane'.
  12. Thanks! They seem like another good option!
  13. that sounds exactly like the ponds im talking about
  14. Thanks!
  15. Thanks for the info! maybe I'll try the pier soon
  16. Great! So I'm assuming that the rainbows and browns would be in the rivers now? will they stay in there all winter? It rained again today so I think ill give it about 3 days before I try
  17. I have not heard good things about that truck... Horrible reviews, complaints from a friend who owns one, etc... and the 4 cyl would really be pushing it I think. heard the canyon had like a 58 foot turning circle too...
  18. It's been raining around here for the last few days and from what I've read, that is good for steelheading. I have some pink berkley worms as well as some marabou jigs in black and white and a few #2 and #3 mepps spinners. At this time of year, would the steelhead be in the tribs or still staging at the piers? Also, I drove over a river beside my house and it looked like chocolate milk. Would this affect the fishing because the steelhead would not be able to see? Should I be waiting a few days for the water to clear up a little bit so the steelhead can see my lures but can not see me?
  19. amazing pictures and amazing fish!!! Loved the ones of hawks and the road trip one!!!!
  20. Heard the zebra mussels cost the government millions anually trying to unclog water intakes. They have also claimed over $100 of my tackle
  21. Yes I do a lot of small creek fishing for the 8-14" rainbows and browns as well as panfish and bass. Do you think the 5'6 is reasonably good at throwing lighter tackle too? Thanks
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