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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. Really sorry for your loss. Dogs are really mans best friend.
  2. is this "bass pro shops tourney special IM7 graphite spinning rod" any good? they are only $49.99 and they have a 5'6 and 6'0 light available! Thinking about that or the ugly stik which is also available in the 5'6 and 6'0 light as well for $29.99! Maybe I'll get both and just keep the ugly stick as a backup like some of you suggusted because its only 30 bucks! Has anyone had experience ordering rods online from BPS and having them shipped to you? Any delays, broken rods, etc? I'd love to hear some of your experiences with this type of shopping!
  3. yeah I gotta agree with you there, but it just bugs me that I could have been getting a perch or a smallie instead of the infamous round goby. And I heard the gobies eat native fish eggs
  4. SWEET FISH i tried bronte this fall with no luck
  5. nice steelies i gotta catch one this fall!!
  6. I catch monster gobies on gulp 3" minnows and jigging spoons
  7. I've used 8 lb powerpro on my medium spinning outfit before and it was good
  8. oh yeah I would be looking for something anywhere from $50-$100 range if that helps
  9. Thinking about getting a 5'9 or 6'0 light spinning rod mainly for smaller fish such as resident browns and specs, stocked pond rainbows, panfish, small bass, etc. (any fish from 1/2 to 3 pounds). I will be throwing mostly #1 and #2 spinners (mepps, panther martin, blue fox, etc.) with it as well as small spoons, small plugs, and live bait. I would be fishing small-medium sized creeks and ponds mainly with it. I tend to be VERY hard on my equipment although I'm working on being more gentle after I broke 2 abu garcia rods and a reel this year I am wondering if a 5'9 light rod would be the best for this application, or should I be going with the 6'0? Distance and precision casting are important to me as well as being able to "feel" the lures action while im reeling it in. I also would love to hear some experiences you've had with any similar rods as well as any suggustions on what brands to buy. I hear st. croix sells a 5'9 triumph, anyone firmiliar with that? Thanks in advance, your help is greatly appreciated - Matt
  10. nice report what were you using to catch them? I was up there last weekend and the weeds were right up to the surface and the water level was down about 5 ft
  11. got a little pike and a bass above the dam. Below the dam all I was getting was bullheads and sucker fish
  12. ellwood epps up hwy 11
  13. nice were you using a pink berkely worm? how do you rig em up? I have 3 of them and they seem to be catching the big guys
  14. awsome first pike!! they are good fighters!! my first pike was about 18" long
  16. thanks guys for telling me that. I used to fish for chubs and such when I was about 8 or 9 for fun. It seems I still catch the elusive creek chub while attempting to fish for speckles (during open season). Maybe I'll make use of the little buggers and start freezing them for pike bait. It still seems a little weird to park your car and stand on the side of hwy 6 just for creek chubs though
  17. slow enough that about 3 cars behind me honked
  18. he was on the other side of the highway, but if he was on my side I would have talked to him.
  19. sweet fish man! you were using pink berkely worms? I never knew you could catch a steelhead with them! Do you just put them on a plain hook under a bobber? I have yet to catch a big steelhead like that guy but really want to get a few this winter
  20. Hey all I was driving home today from belwood lake and I see some guy pulled off to the side of the road... Hes standing by a scuzzy little ditch running out of a culvert pipe and hes fishing?!?!?!??! I hit the breaks and slowed down to about 50 km/h to get a better glimpse of him. He looked to be using a UL rod with a worm and a sinker for bait and the ditch was about 1 ft wide. Anyways, I am wondering what he would have been fishing for? brook trout?? trout season is closed here in zone 16 but maybe he dident know that. As soon as I got home, I pulled up google maps and followed the road down from fergus. I found the stream and the map said it started in the middle of nowhere from nothing and ended in the middle of nowhere into nothing. Would this mean that the stream is springfed and a good temp/habitat for speckles? Would this stream be worth my time to try out next year for specks?? I have driven all around southern ontario all summer with no specks to show for my efforts... If anyone here is firmiliar with the small streams/creeks around the fergus/guelph area it would be GREATLY appreciated if you shot me a PM just to verify some info (because I don't think it would be allowed to discuss this exect spot on the forums). Thanks so much!! - Matt
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