if everybody keeps all the pike from there then the crappie and bass populations will explode and become stunted I would rather catch some pike and a few big crappies then tonnes of tiny fish
almost every creek around my house is loaded with chubs and suckers. They were all I caught when I was trout fishing in the summer so now I actually have a use for the little buggers.
awsome, I picked up some jigs and other tackle. Is it legal to catch chubs and suckers and freeze them and use them for pike bait later or do I have to buy them?
yes, i know where we're talking about, and this is a common sight there... I would have been a jerk to them if they were ignoring me. They were probably using live bait too, right?
I know that you have bass, pike, panfish, trout, drum, carp, bullheads, etc. kicking around there. Not sure what you'd catch right now though. maybe a trout?
I had a steelie (I think) slam my monster 5 of diamonds spoons while fishing for pike in lake O. He instantly broke my 10 lb braid and went crazy jumping trying to shake the lure from his mouth. They are sooo much fun on hardware!
Bayfront park in feb/march. And bass is OOS from Nov. 30th to the 4th saturday in june I believe. But pike, panfish, and trout stay open thoughout the ice season (rainbows and browns are open all year in lake O and hamilton harbour, and lakers are open throughout the ice season).
EDIT: the browns and rainbows are only open all year in lake ontario (you can't fish for them anywhere else)
It will be my first time fishing this year without an operator as well, and I'm just gonna buy my stuff from crappy tire and go down to some lake O marinas. If you know where lasalle park and bayfront park are then you can probably go down there. I'm from burlington so I don't know any oakville spots I should learn some though. When I went down to bayfront last year for a walk I noticed a lot of people ice fishing there for pike
Hey all as the days have been getting colder and colder I have been thinking more and more about ice fishing. I have only been out 2 times last year for some lake simicoe perch with freinds so basically have no experience. I read through some other threads on ice fishing prep to get an idea of other items I need. Heres what I have written down so far:
Ice auger (any brand names would be appreciated)
minnow bucket
camping chair
small sled
ice skimmer
warm clothing
fish finder
I will be fishing in local marinas mostly (I heard that bayfront park and 50 point marina were worth checking out for pike), might also try binbrook conservation area for some crappies and perch.
So I am wondering if there are any special lures I should be purchasing for ice fishing? I'll mainly be targeting panfish, pike, and maybe lake trout.
Also, what minnow sizes and line strength would you guys recommend for pike? I don't think I'll be catching any monsters but I know that there are some 30+ inch pike in these marinas. Would I be best to use a tip-up rather then a rod?
As you can see, I am a complete newbie so any suggustions would help me a lot!
Thanks in advance
- Matt
well, I've got some different colored crappie tube jigs now and some small rapalas. I'll give those a whirl tomorrow and hopefully hook into a few slabs I'm thinking live minnows would be helpful too.