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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. Hey guys I am going to Belwood tomorrow to do some fishing with my dad. We usually fish from a boat, but since the water levels are probably low and there are lots of hazards in that lake we will be fishing from shore. Where would the best spot be to fish in the reservoir? I'd assume from the dam but there is all rock down that side and it looks hard to get down. Since it is so warm would it even be worth my time trying for brown trout in the river below the dam? Thanks in advance - Matt
  2. nice report. my buddy goes up there once a year (just a few weeks from now he will be leaving) he has caught some nice fish there including a few decent lake trout and a monster pike.
  3. big inline spinners such as mepps #4 and #5. you can also tip them with a curlytail or minnow but I havent really noticed that much of a difference. If anything, more bass grab on to the lure.
  4. good luck, I have tryed right below the dam I saw some guy land a big walleye, but I have only managed to get SMB which for the most part were quite hefty.. oh and a few suckers too lol
  5. 3/8 oz. plain white spinnerbait gets tons of pike from 20"-28" for me. I have only put a white grub on the hook once but I'm sure some bigger fish would hit it.
  6. Hey guys I have a nice 16" rainbow trout that is thawing in my fridge at the moment. What are some of your favorite recipes/things to put in the cavity before you wrap them up in tin foil and put them on the BBQ?
  7. I've always wondered what the grand river walleye population is really like with so much pressure on them. I havent had much luck myself with walleye. Caught a few here and there and they were all on the smaller size.
  8. try casting spinners like mepps #3, that will get you into basically all species of fish. grand river has mainly smallmouth but yes there are definately pike around too
  9. AGREED! I have 3 clackin cranks and clackin raps, they are expensive but work great
  10. and pike if your into the babys.. most 1-3 lbs although I did catch a fat 29"er there appx 5 lbs
  11. I go up there once a year for a week with my family, I'd be curious as well, will be posting a thread in a few weeks asking a few questions too.. here's what I know so far: species are LMB, SMB, pike, muskie, walleye, as well as the regular assortment of panfish. for bass and pike mostly fish in the bays because there are wayyy too many boats driving around the main lake. for lures, I have caught a 29" pike on a 4# mepps, and I use a topwater frog for bass. one more thing, when I went last year (about this time, cant wait to go up again!) there was a huge amount of weeds.. I ended up swapping my line for 12 lb braid because I lost about 5 lures to the weeds and whenever a fish wrapped itself in weeds, I was screwed.. good luck out there and when you get back put up a report as I will be heading up shortly!!!!
  12. Exactly. just go for it, its his own pond, his fish, It wont have any effect on anything else go drop a line in there once in a while... nobody can say that they have never broken/twisted a law before.. driving at 115-120 km/h on the highway is technically illegal.. but you don't see people getting pulled over for that.
  13. you know your stuff crayfish are one of my favourite baits for smallmouths. and yes, they can be used as bait but only if you caught them in the same river/lake
  14. no, I was out chasing brookies instead!! still no luck but I am getting better at finding potential spots.
  15. that is awesome man!! makes me want to go to the fishermans pier to throw some spoons tomorrow after I finish my accounting exam!!!!
  16. nothing. if you are trying more to catch bass and walleye then forget it. If I am targeting mainly pike upwards of 30" then I will put a steel leader on, but there is no point for a leader for smaller pike under 30", they never seem to engulf the lure past the eye.
  17. possibly me.
  18. anywhere has carp... as you said even the runoff ditches/ponds have them. try lasalle, fishermans pier, valley inn, pier 4, etc etc etc.
  19. what did you catch?
  20. I have never caught a musky in my life but have had a close call with one in sturgeon as well. he bit me off as he coming to the boat.
  21. I'd be curious as well. It would be nice to sit on the pier and catch a bunch of big perch.
  22. pete moss is probably a good idea. And Richmond, I have the sprinkler going and it dosent work on the birds, only cats. I think I need to get out my nozzle attachment with the "jet spray" option.
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