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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. Night crawlers work good for trout
  2. Donna the deer lady!!! :thumbsup_anim:
  3. I have a few secret ponds that tend to be good indicators of water levels. One of them, which is fed by a creek (not spring), was nearly completely dry. I went there in sept to check it out, and saw several panfish and bass rotting in the mud. That really upset me. my other pond (spring fed) is about 8 to 12 inches too low. same with the creek that feeds it. I only got 1 brown trout in it this year just before closer, but the bass and pannys are still biting in the pond
  4. not really, lol. havent had a 'good' rain in months. makes my trout stay in the lake!!
  5. ehh I'm so-so on the triumph ones. I have a 5'6 and it's way too whippy. I may try to find a premier model. those are pretty nice rods for what they charge. thanks for the heads up tho!
  6. I love st croix. I have 4 of them. Do you remember how much it was?
  7. lmao, I didn't even know a 15.5 ft rod was even produced. I have a 6'6 M lol. I will be upgrading to an 8'6 soon. probably by st croix. I mostly fish bronte too.
  8. mepps black fury (orange) livetarget smelt
  9. nice fish. whats that cut thing behind his fin?
  10. Every spring whenever I go onto my facebook and one of my friends has a pic of a big OOS bass he caught off it's spawning bed, it ticks me off soo much, and really, I have no choice but to keep my mouth shut about it.. Theres one guy I know who had a picture of a steelie he "speared under a bridge!" I talked to him about that one..
  11. yep, cause your missing soooooooo much :whistling:
  12. noice!
  13. yeah I've heard they are fine to eat, but I don't think I'd eat one out of lako Ontario, consumption guide says 1/0 for the main (western) body of lake O. Matt.
  14. I want to buy one of these. They go fast and can be used for fishing!
  15. How did they even end up 'catching' the boat?
  16. the one I found has a 20 hp johnson on it
  17. Anyone ever owned/driven one of these? thinking of dropping a couple grand on one next summer just to race around in some local lakes. It's small enough that I think I could tow it with my moms mazda 3, keep it in the garage, and it goes reallly fast.. EDIT: here's another clip:
  18. DAMN....! nice fish! my fav pic is the "pike with the extra jewellery" LOL. Matt.
  19. haha, that's what I've been doing, usually 3-4 pics of a fish. I will have to post a report at the end of the year to see what you guys think!!
  20. you learn something new everyday..
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