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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. yeah he was excited as hell to catch it. I was trying to teach him how to hold it properly which is why its to dirty, but still took off when we put him back in the lake!
  2. Since I just learned how to post pictures, I thought I'd give you give a small review of my year so far. Here is my first fish for 2012, a 22 inch brown trout. I caught this one at la salle Marina in January on a rapala husky jerk. These are some fish I caught for dinner, any guesses on the weight of the pike? I thought a good 3-4 pounds. It has been the fattest pike I have caught this season. Next pic is the first walleye I caught at the cottage this year. He wasent very big, only 13 inches, but still tasted great. A good catch of walleye as well as 2 bonus perch at the cottage: 11 inch speckled trout I caught in a creek near my cottage. He was a keeper (that's why I 'rough handled' him). I went to a family friends cottage a few weeks ago, and went out in their canoe with their little guy Hunter. We were casting to a fallen tree, both with rapala original floating lures, and this monster came out and smashed his lure. His first pike and He's only 5!!! Thought I'd share, I thought these pics were cool. Matt.
  3. Fair enough, thanks for the tip. I've been looking at my map for a few mins and have a couple ideas of where to try on the western side.. I'm not going to go into the back channel at all, way too many hazards.
  4. How far off the shore of Big Island should I be trolling? 30 ft? and would the little bobcaygeon river mouth also be a good place to fish for musky? I caught a lot of bass and panfish there, so there could be musky lurking around there?
  5. Exactly. I have got close to 30" pike on a 1000 sized reel and a UL (crappie setup) and I got in, but it was tricky. Took lots of time but I got it in so I could do it with musky.
  6. And shouldent the smaller ones (30-36") be easier to catch because they aren't targeted as much, are more aggresive, and more abundant than, let's say a 48" fish?
  7. 6000 size. 300 yds of line. I'm still learning to use a baitcaster (don't own one, borrow my uncles/friends sometimes).
  8. I'm going to Bobcaygeon this weekend from Saturday to Monday, and want to try to catch my first musky there this year. I have heard the Kawartha lakes (especially Pigeon) are a great place to start. I'm not looking for a huge 50 incher, more like something around 3 ft. My rod and tackle are as follows: 8'0 H spinning combo spooled with 30 lb Sufix 832 100 lb fluorocarbon leaders 6" grandma 10" jake 2x mepps bucktail spinner musky sized spinnerbait all the proper release tools (hook cutters, 10" needlenose pliers, rubber coated landing net, etc.) If theres anything else you think I need, please leave a reply. Are there any specific spots on Pigeon Lake where one would have a 'good' chance of catching a smaller sized musky? If you'd feel better, shoot me a PM. I purchased an Adventure Fishing Map of the lake, while not the greatest, it does give me a general idea of the location of most major structural points on the lake. Are there any 'special' artificials that seem to produce well on Pigeon? If you don't know the lake, or don't want to give up any spots, could you at lease give me some ideas of where to start looking for them? I've heard they like pencil reeds and weedlines, so I will look for those and cast my bucktails to them. Anyhow, even if I don't catch any muskie, I will still have a lot of fun catching bass and perch. Thanks, Matt.
  9. I caught a very large SMB at brant 2 years ago, right below the dam.. I still have the pic, I can post it after school today. In may at Byng last year I think I got 4-5 big LMB (oos) drifting minnows.. It was a nice suprise cause I thought that LMB wernt even in the Grand. Oh ya and a couple huge channel cats
  10. theres walleye at Byng Island for sure, I've seen people catch them, but I can't seem to be able to. Try drifting a worm or minnow under a float there- I have caught LMB, SMB, pike, channel cats, sheepshead, perch, crappie, and white bass doing that at Byng Island. I'm sure someone who has been more successful there could give you a few more tips.
  11. Thats not 13 inches, it looks more like a 16-17 inch fish to me!! WTG and congrats on your first big fish! More to come I'm sure! For me, the Grand never disappoints (for bass anyways, walleye is a completely different story). Matt.
  12. LMB for sure. nice job.
  13. and pike too.
  14. Congrats dude!! I didnt catch my first walleye until I was like 14 or something. and it was tiny lol.
  15. Great pictures I've never seen an eagle before. And a brookie that big lol.
  16. or they could hold something similar to the deer hunts, except it could be 'uncontrolled'. :devil:
  17. I've seen hundreds, if not thousands of them while driving along the road beside Hamilton Harbor (the road that runs parallel to the skyway). And if you drive over the skyway, you can see thousands of the little buggers sitting on those manmade islands. Maybe a mass extermination should be organized on them and the seagulls as well.
  18. My little sister uses iCloud with her 4S. I have a blackberry (see POS), and I plug my connector/USB into my PC and can open and view all my files on my PC.. I would think that your 4S would be the same if you don't have iCloud.
  19. Jeez, I haven't seen one of those in a long time. When I was little I brought one into the house and my mom freaked out.
  20. I use a mepps #3 blk fury or a floating rapala 3" for bigger resident brown trout.
  21. sweet fish I would be happy with one half that size!!!
  22. I wanted to get a few more pictures, but I was told that the little ones are stupid and will bite, so I chickened out lol.
  23. In my trip I caught over 20 specks but only took pictures of a few then my camera battery died. I also saw 2 rattle snakes and 1 garter snake which was neat.
  24. http://s1078.photobucket.com/albums/w494/northernpike5391/?action=view&current=8e38afa5.jpg#!oZZ1QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1078.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fw494%2Fnorthernpike5391%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D8e38afa5.jpg http://s1078.photobucket.com/albums/w494/northernpike5391/?action=view&current=8e38afa5.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1078.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fw494%2Fnorthernpike5391%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D900fc786.jpg http://s1078.photobucket.com/albums/w494/northernpike5391/?action=view&current=8e38afa5.jpg#!oZZ3QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1078.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fw494%2Fnorthernpike5391%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D0c0e9e26.jpg http://s1078.photobucket.com/albums/w494/northernpike5391/?action=view&current=8e38afa5.jpg#!oZZ4QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1078.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fw494%2Fnorthernpike5391%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D08d4dec7.jpg some specks I caught there are also pictures of 2 rattle snakes that I saw while fishing. Thanks to another member for giving me a bunch of tips and locations to make my trip a lot of fun!! He knows who he is, and helped me out a lot via PM for this trip. Thanks again!!!
  25. winter-early spring: trout and panfish trout opener- residents + dropbacks may opener: pike+walleye summer:bass fall:everything!
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