Hey guys,
Me and Chris (Christopher K) went fishing at a local reservoir for some pike/bass/panfish today (skunked, except for a pike that pulled my float down for a few seconds), and then we checked out a place along the Lake O shoreline near Hamilton for brown trout. We saw evidence of them all over- a few dead ones, as well as one jump. However, we couldn't get anything to bite. Chris might have had one on, but it was hard to tell if it was weeds or not.
The lures we were using were little cleos 2/5 oz, krocodile spoons, mepps #4 spinners, and little minnows under a float. Are these good lure choices? Are there any other types of lures we should have been trying? Any specific color patterns? Retreieve methods? anything you can think of, cause we must have been doing something wrong.