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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. do they make spinning gear too?
  2. what about a 10'6 ML Fenwick elite tech? decent all-around rod? or I could maybe get a 9'6-10'6 L Fenwick HMX for my steelhead, and a 9'6 M Fenwick Eagle for casting hardware to brown trout and salmon?
  3. I broke off one tonight that had to be close to 6 or 8 pounds due to improper equipment (6'6M rod). What are my options for a 'proper' rod? Ideally, I want something 8'6-10'6 that can handle anything from a steelhead to a salmon, and is able to drift roe in the creeks as well as cast spoons from the pier. It has to be a 2 piece rod as well. If this 'ideal' rod does not actually exist, what would by my two best options for steelhead fishing/drifting roe, and salmon fishing/casting spoons? Thanks, Matt.
  4. more pike than I've caught this year
  5. yes another thing I do sometimes is go to a creek in north burlington, and catch 2-3 doz. chubs and sucker minnows. I just freeze them and take out however many I think I'll need for some pike fishing. Nothing illegal about that other than it might look like I am trying to poach brookies.
  6. I'll use a bug net whenever I am in a creek and can catch them. I also grab frogs and crayfish and stick them on the hook. Great for smallmouth bass and pike.
  7. I've done this too with an 8lb+ channel cat.. he swallowed a pike rig I had on with a big honking sucker minnow attached... about an hour later, my friend got something huge, and it was the channel cat with my pike rig in the back his mouth. pretty cool when that happens.
  8. nice brook trout!
  9. I see the exact same thing at one of my pike spots. one time I stood there watching them for about 5 minutes, until I saw a very large swirl in the water and the minnows exploded from around it... definitely a pike no doubt in my spot. probably yours too
  10. 3 votes for the fender frontman 100W, I say you get that one. Since mine only runs 50W now, I'll sell it to you for $95
  11. yep... I have a 100W frontman (which I recently ruptured one speaker from) for playing in friends basements etc etc etc. I just have a fuzz pedal (boss DS-2) and a couple of cables thrown in the back and it is so light and portable, and it sounds okay. not great, but okay, especially because I bought it from a friend for $100. At one point, I had a fender twin reverb amp 85W from the 90's (I broke it too), but I don't have it anymore. that was a good amp, except they cost about $2200 new. I have a fender strat, with a humbucker in the bridge position, and you can get very many different styles out of it, especially with my multi-effects pedal.
  12. +1. Didn't see this prior to posting.
  13. Why is there not a jail sentence? I'm not saying that because I just want to see our fisheries thrive, but because can you can't really imagine the amount of destruction those things would cause to our great lakes fisheries if they were introducted. Billions of dollars of damage if you count in all the money that was put in to make our lakes so great, the cost of getting rid of them, and the cost of bringing back self-sustaining populations.
  14. nice fish- those bull trout kind of look like a cross between a laker and an aurora to me Matt.
  15. mountsberg
  16. thanks for the help guys, but lets try not to turn this post into a roe battle. thanks.
  17. thanks! exactly what I was looking for. I'll have to buy the X-9 size Kwikfish next time I see one.
  18. so are you guys saying that we were using lures that were too big? would a #2 or #3 mepps, size J-9 rapala, or a 1/4 oz cleo be more suitable then? btw, we were using 6 lb mono straight to the lure.
  19. Hey guys, Me and Chris (Christopher K) went fishing at a local reservoir for some pike/bass/panfish today (skunked, except for a pike that pulled my float down for a few seconds), and then we checked out a place along the Lake O shoreline near Hamilton for brown trout. We saw evidence of them all over- a few dead ones, as well as one jump. However, we couldn't get anything to bite. Chris might have had one on, but it was hard to tell if it was weeds or not. The lures we were using were little cleos 2/5 oz, krocodile spoons, mepps #4 spinners, and little minnows under a float. Are these good lure choices? Are there any other types of lures we should have been trying? Any specific color patterns? Retreieve methods? anything you can think of, cause we must have been doing something wrong. thanks, Matt.
  20. The salmon still down there?
  21. multiply one of those hp's by 10, that's what I want when I grow up
  22. Yep... A waterbody I was fishing in hamilton was just like that today. I headed home after an hour.
  23. true. but the lack of rain intensifies the effect.
  24. the picture of him, lol
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