No. I like keeping fish, if it's bass, walleye, perch, crappie, trout, or even pike on a particular day. That said, I think that it was a pretty good idea to introduce no-kill regs on some very well known trout streams in S. Ontario. Combine that with stocking, and you have a pretty neat fishery that wouldn't happen if these things were not put into place.
I think it would be cool with most people if the size limits were raised higher for muskie, but I can't really say anything too much more about that species because I am not a muskie angler, and really know nothing about the fish.
Basically, I think if everybody followed their limits, and was a 'conservative' angler at most times, we should have no problem with our fisheries (large waterbodies I'm speaking of). I also love the idea of stocking a bunch of fish in the more well-populated areas in S. Ontario that really couldn't handle as much fishing pressure that they get if they were just wild fish. I can think of 1 huge example of a success by stocking (Lake O!!)