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Everything posted by woodenboater

  1. Glad you got that curse off your back ! great report but for some unknown reason I was expecting to read about another auger failure
  2. before applying for a passport, check to see when the new rules take effect re: time before passport expiration. Previously passports were good for 5 years I believe but you will soon be able to get them for 10 years. Not sure when this takes effect but would be worth looking into. fwiw, last time I was at a land border crossing (several years ago at least, Fort Erie) I asked the US border agent about using an expired passport for land crossings and he said that was fine. I never felt right about that so always keep a current passport on me at all times. imo, passport > drivers license
  3. The letter he wrote to his fans that was posted on his homepage after he passed. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/music/stompin-tom-connors-final-letter-to-his-fans/article9407119/
  4. Seems the same as someone driving and seeing a RIDE spot check down the road, THEN making a quick detour down a side street to avoid them. Chances are, they're waiting down that street as well.
  5. what a great way to get married, beats city hall or the church !
  6. nice work Chris
  7. Damn those fillets look really mouth watering and I bet they were ! Props for cold camping LSPP, but I think you're ready for the jump into hot tenting Just imagine, a nice wood stove kicking out heat to dry socks, cook over and for overall lounge around comfort etc..
  8. no contact and still hit from behind ? offender should sit out for a bunch of games if not the rest of the season. coach should go back to school as well. and the refs ? they should rtfm
  9. careful shovelling boys and girls, that stuff is as heavy as I've ever had the pleasure of clearing...

  10. Wishing you well while you're fighting off the C, it can be beat back. The lakers will be waiting for your hatch match next season
  11. anything north of it I'd be happy with Ottawa and access to Quebec waters as well. I'm not too picky lol
  12. ha ha. my wife and I regret not buying their stocks when they were *affordable*...sigh. coulda cashed out and bought some nice west arm property
  13. yano the whole app thing is funny from this apple user's point of view. back when Microsoft ruled the world, Windows users trumpeted the fact that there were a gazillion games for their platform vs much less for mac. Apple users always said it didn't matter how many games they had as most were crap. well today we have iphone people trumpeting the number of apps available for these phones and the lack of apps for others such as BB10. sound familiar huh ? So now the shoe is on the other foot and as a lifelong Mac user, I kinda feel like Apple is becoming what Windows was back in the day. Little bit cocky and big headed. There may be 700 000 plus apps for the iPhone but really, how many are actually useful ? as usual, ymmv
  14. how many days till season opener ? tired of this psycho winter. who's with me ?

    1. grt1


      some family day, gotta spend most of it digging out through the snowdrifts that were made overnight


  15. fine and dandy from my corner of the world. desktop and mobile.
  16. That video looks pretty good and the still photos look great as well. Glad they beefed up their camera as it really bit previously.SLick that this was edited on the device as well. My wife was looking at the Z10 but will wait for the Q10 as she's a Tweeting, Facebooking fiend I have a corp iPhone and while it's great for consuming media, it sucks (for me and others I know) for typing. Most of my friends/colleagues who are heavy typers stuck with RIM, now called BB. Waiting to see if my company will let people go back to BB if they want to.
  17. man I love winter but this year it can GTH ! Weather's been so schizo this year: cold, mild, melting, cold, etc etc. now this stuff. thank god our mayor hasn't called in the forces yet lol. guess we're lucky it fell on a friday so most can leave the heavy lifting till saturday. I'll be happy if there's this much in Algonquin if I head up for the family day long one.
  18. Sorry to read this news and have my fingers crossed for Sean's recovery. WB
  19. fwiw, many homes in Australia have sisterns. My late father in law lived in the boonies and he had a cistern that was topped up with rain water or more often, with a water delivery truck. Presume it was treated and we never had any health issues related to the cistern. Definitely agree with Lew's propane power backup gen.
  20. renegotiate the terms T.J. , that'll go over well
  21. First fished there as part of their summer program eons ago but haven't since then. Be a shame if they banned fishing since that's where lots of kids get their first taste of it, but the place is multi user location so I wonder if it is related to wildlife or other park users. Because it's in the city and easily accessible, I can see how it can attract fishermen who aren't as considerate as most and will leave stuff around. I think it's a case of the few ruining the situation for the many.
  22. If you have the time to build one, a quinzee would be a great option. Very warm and with a couple of candles lit, comfy. Very quiet inside as well. If you think this is something you'll be doing often (winter, shoulder seasons), I'd suggest investing in a wall tent with woodstove. The prices aren't that bad and downright luxurious if you have access to a good supply of standing deadwood. You'll need a very good sleeping bag (my preference is down all the way) however if you let the fire go out at night.
  23. Am totally surprised to read very few bring TP with them on day trips. I always bring a couple of ziplocks with rolled up TP on river runs. Try getting out of a drysuit with 'neighbours about to bang on Door 2' kind of situation. And definitely make sure the 'workplace' is clear of your neck gasket ha ha. never happened to me but I can only imagine
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