I have a V2 as well,maybe a silly question,but did you notice if the motor shaft was turning?Haven't had my blade off,maybe the prop insides are toast?That electrical smell worries me .
Tally today:.Cleaned up a 12"x20' front tree that fell.Next,neighbours tree over my fence and onto the pool deck,done.Two trees at the back about a 24" radius left to do.Have spent almost 7 hours so far today.One of the back trees I have cleared from 3 neighbours.Still the majority across my property and resting on the fence.The last one was hit by lightning and split from top to bottom down the middle and still standing.It must be almost 40' but tilting back and if it falls won't hit anything.Figure this tree tally will take most of the week after work,and maybe then some.Thank god for chainsaws.
That was wild,looking across the street and a huge branch of a tree snapped but fell back into itself.Still in the tree.Now I look out back,a huge branch of one of my big trees has snapped and fallen into three different neighbors yards .The largest part lying vertical over my and one neighbors fence.What a huge job tomorrow.Not seeing any property damage thank god.
If you have a bad cell Lew,a switch won't help you.I'd try what Wayne said and disconnect for a few days and then check your voltage.That will at least eliminate the battery if it's still reading full charge.
I'm like Beans,as a loss for words.As said she has been a inspiration since the beginning.Thought she would fight this one through.Very sorry to hear this.You couldn't find two better parents from what I've followed then you two.God bless you all.!
Reimer as we forget,won a lot of games single hand idly. Move Bernier,and run Reims till a new goalie may comes forward.I like him and will give you his heart if given a more permanent role i believe.JMO as always.
Was going to add,hope you are contacted by PM,lol.Or next time your out you may have hundreds of new friends you never thought you had . .As said,good luck and hope you find them !!!
This Asian carp thing/barricade,I know different,but I think some must have made it in?.I sure hope not,jmo as always,but thinking any thing man made,usually does not stand the test of time.Clock is ticking.
The goalies are fine,So far keeping Dion?Everything will work out wonderfully Get rid of Bernier and Dion.These two are not what we need going forward IMO.
I thought seized all along,oil pump/injector not working right. $200, is a steal compared what we all thought it may be. Good for you ,on again by the weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If not a pure bred,I third or fourth recommend the shelter.Price is right ,with up to date shots,It's up to you,but if your looking for a mixed breed,why not check it out.?.