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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Nicely done guys,always enjoy the report.Those Pike were beauties !!!!!
  2. For a guy like me who mostly hooks up on his own,with the Xterra now i don't want to hit the bumper or license plate.Can take me up to 4 times to line up . Great idea,Thanks Lew,may well be a option for next season.
  3. Good to Subban,always liked him ,what a guy,his skit was fun,never mind his generous donation.Were going to see a lot of this guy !!!!
  4. Looking real good Rick !!!!!!!!!
  5. What a great fighting fish,awesome ..!!!!!!
  6. Yes,that's the type I use,texas rigged,you should be problem free for the most part.
  7. I have something similar I use Steve with a weight on the hook bend.Rig it Texas and weedless with a frog,Senko,etc.Also gives some distance as well.
  8. I still have my old rusted yellow Tonka dump truck from 50 odd years ago . Nice find Lew,!!!!!!!! Some things you just can't sell,or get rid of .
  9. Not really sure ,as they were given to me semi ripened.Will have to dry out and remove seeds eventually.Very ,very hot close to the stem.will post a picture later if your interested of the two?.Brings a tear to my eye, the Indian seems just a tad hotter,but the burn goes away quite quickly.As for the Flash Bang,just nasty,really can't enjoy imo.
  10. Nice score there !!,I have a 1 ounce bottle of Flashbang.3.5 million on the scolville scale.One drop to a full pot of chili lol.Will last a lifetime.Has all the hottest peppers pretty much in the world,and then some.To give a comparison,Franks red hot is 450,not even a 1000.Cost was $30 a ounce from pepper palace at Casino Niagara.Was just given some Indian and New Zealand hot peppers,quite a burn from them as well.Will be planting them next year. This site sure has the best members.!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I.m thinking like Dan here,have you changed the thermostat yet?,Does your rad have a lot of the fins folded over?.
  12. Funny,but not really,how arguably the best player in the league and being young,HOW,do they get into this stuff with all this money.I just don't get it ???
  13. Not that I have heard,it's coming up
  14. I hear you,if he is found guilty,for the second time???.We don't need this if guilty.Read some news about second time,I don't know.Love to see him as a innocent player/as I hope ?.Now that would be SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Yes Dan is on that,I actually know this stuff as well.Let it idle for a bit,get the thermometer ,check both hoses as said,than at least you will know if the motor may be overheating and stop before damage. Great ,easy advice right there from Dan.
  16. Nice Rick,seemed like a whole lot of activity for a hour.Good for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Looks like fun!!!,
  18. I'll be cheering the Leafs on TV . .lol.
  19. I hear ya,but I'm a bit excited for the overpriced players lol.Not all I know,I can take it,be more fun I thought if the fans would have there own.I'm tough ,I can live with it lolol.
  20. Thought this was a leaf thread,were starting again?.Sorry lost another one.This was your thread,maybe a leaf thread would work????,just asking ?.
  21. How are you knowing where the humps are?,Cheap fish finder is a $100 or a little more.Portable as well .Having said that,maybe I'm spoiled now.lol.Good luck,but stay close to the bottom anyway .
  22. My youngest spent a bit over a year in Fort McMurray.The pictures he sent back were awesome.,you being north of that,what a site that would be as we see now.
  23. Yes,I think they sink a little faster than us.So close,imagine that happening to you?,keep the float-able camera going.Thinking I may of soiled my trunks .
  24. One of the best for sure,can't believe the water so rough ,the fish turn on.That was a ridiculous day lol.Thanks guys,and Brian,had to grab that pick when the boat was somewhat relaxed.At least I now know the boat can easily handle 25km plus a bit more.Not being stupid,but was still ok for fishing.
  25. I was standing at the back lol.That bucket weighed 38lbs with little water.Fun day I'll say.!
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