Man O Man Mike,wow.!!!,Not sure how you can do all these,but what a life you do have Sir.Your son is one lucky guy.Great read and videos as always.The quality of fish continually is what I can't get over.Thanks for the great read.
Holy cow Lew,glad your on the mend . Lawn mowed over one a few years back.Rotted stump under ground. 20 stings before I could make it into the house.Ankles only for the most part.Just at about dark that same evening,a can of hornet blaster when you know they are all in for the night.One long steady spray did it.Doing this during the day would not be a good thing.Take care Lew.
Yonge street and #89 east.East of the 400.Hope that helps Frank?Sort of at the border of West Gwilliumbury and innifil townships.Believe it's called innisfil bait and tackle.
Now send Dion to the Evelyn Woodhouse speed skating course lol,he may just last a bit longer?.My heart skips a beat every time he is on the ice and there is a full rush coming towards their end.
I was there at 5:15 Sat morning,got the boys there 48 worm pack,and not a word said.He was just awesome,wonder why he couldn't get things to work?always busy for the most part .Sad!!!I'll sure miss him..
Agreed,were all arm chair critics. But the common thing is Phil had to go,and everyone for the most part wished him well.Kinda happy management agreed with me .Just kidding guys.This was a easy decision from what I'm hearing.
Been there more then I want to remember.You never forget,forever in your memory.We have a wall of fame we call it where we have framed pictures.I walk by several times a day. Loved every one.It's rough Matt,looked like a lovely dog.He will not be forgotten.Take care.