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Everything posted by 206

  1. I say legit...these guys kill me they deliver packages to the door collect the duty and taxes from you then months later when you least expect it BAM the bill for brokerage....Not sure why they can't just charge me this at my door
  2. SOLD OUT wish i seen this earlier lol
  3. I can see this being short lived like FTA lol. Here is the latest post from XBMC facebook page There is a growing (and worrying) misconception caused by some websites and people who sell HTPC devices with XBMC pre-installed. These often contain add-ons from we which we would like to clearly distance ourselves, and for which we will not offer support of any kind. We will not call these add-ons by name. However if it all seems to be good to be true like watching content (movies and tvshows) for free, you should start asking yourself if this can still be considered legal. In some countries it can be considered clearly illegal. It a regretful development that in our eyes, the most awesome media centre there is, is clouded by such a development. These few people are giving and spreading a misconception of what XBMC is and stands for, and are giving it a bad name. We would like to remind everyone that XBMC should be seen as a media centre platform for which you must provide your own media obtained through a legally obtained manor, PVR or by using add-ons which do not clearly violate copyright laws. Hopefully we can break this tide and restore and improve our good name that we worked so hard for. As always the only and official news and XBMC versions can be found at from http://xbmc.org/about/ Please help us and spread the word of the true purpose of XBMC. Thank you.
  4. Looking for clarification not loop holes lol That's why I was using hypothetical watersheds....Now that cats outa the bag there will be a bunch in there like dirty shirts.
  5. you have a link? I guess this isn't an easy black and white one is it? To save myself any trouble i'll wait til may lol
  6. Had a okuma reel defective that was sent there...came back in working order and I don't recall it being to long of a wait.
  7. She's no looker but for $1.11 it might be worth the drive! (I looked at gasbuddy.com to confirm it was at the esso)
  8. Looking for answers on where one waterway becomes another, I googled a lil but not sure even how to input such a search. I'm hoping the knowledgeable members here could add there input. 1. Note the Blue River it is a fish sanctuary from jan to may. 2. The Red Creek, Brown Brook and Green river are open but flow into said sanctuary. Question, can one fish any of these waterways and at what point could a line be drawn as to where the sanctuary would start?
  9. Girl i know claims $1.11 in Bancroft today?
  10. As i said in previous post these are definitely worth the 100 bucks to watch a movie ,ppv sports(free in low quality better than nothing) or even old favorite TV shows, I however couldn't ever imagine it replacing some sort of regular broadcasting! I'd also like to say I haven't experienced these boxes on anything other then my 6MBps(line max is 7) service from bell, and am totally jealous that someone can actually get 45Mbps
  11. Not sure what your after but I have a vinyl cutter. Not sure about graphics but most logo's or Calvin peeing on something i can do...lol friends boat. My derby cars
  12. Don't cancel your sub and run out and buy one of these, I currently have a Gbox and an Ouya(I thought would be a step up)....getting to find something to watch is a long process it is far from a click of the remote like your current sub. It is great for movies as long as you have a good internet connection, and the patients to find working links. I have yet to stream a live sports broadcast that looks remotely like any HD channel i currently pay for. I have have alot of trouble with both boxes if you don't leave them on all the time when you fire them up don't expect it to work right away it likes to hog bandwidth to update it's add ons making streaming slow until its is done. For anyone that had any grey market satellite experience this is a far cry from it. For a hundred bucks I'm sure i have or will get my moneys worth outa the box.
  13. Jim Ross from WWE wrestling fame has it it can be perminate but never stopped him from continuing a TV career.
  14. i have had a little success with Strike King's tooty fruity tubes and crappie grubs as well as bass assassin/panfish assassin baits. @ stoty how do you fish the Xzone for crappies? drop shot?? Locating them can be tough sometimes i have a few goto spots but try other spots that look comparable that hold none??
  15. Neat! 1400 for replica how much would it cost to stuff the actual fish??
  16. Ha, did a project on skunks as a kid.....Skunks don't actually hibernate!!
  17. Couple kids having fun...priceless!
  18. Lowrance...Nuff said.
  19. Sail has No Tax AND 15% Off??? Can you point me to where you seen that please. I hate going its so over whelming i forget half the stuff i went for lol Is the Curado for 115 a good deal?
  20. If sweds can score 1 it will be!!
  21. Nice stories....I'm just glad none of you are the unfortunate ol gentleman and his wife that came a cross me having an emergency #2 in my boat
  22. They are asking for you to allow them remote access to your computer, once you allow them the access they look for banking and credit card info. I think they are after more then a sale of a program.
  23. They have called here multiple times the last few years i can't believe this is the first time you got this call lol I like to string them along lol or just simply tell them you have a mac and didn't think it got viruses? They usually hang up on me!
  24. 206

    Spy Bait?

    I'd be happy with that lol, At least i know something might be interested in this new bait
  25. Sitting here watching some fishing shows try'n to ignore the snow falling again! Got to thinking, most of the guys on these shows reel the fish in like maniacs!! I tend to go slow and steady Should i be going fast as i can and flinging the fish into the boat? How do you guys reel in your bass?
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