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Everything posted by John

  1. Go on guys, I double dog dare ya!
  2. John

    Trout fun

    They are amazing shots Mike...
  3. Nice B..ass she got there boss. Hopefully you don't get beaten on by those that don't know the reg's up there.... Counselling doesn't help........you are resigned to a life of mockery and shame...
  4. I think Chris (Spiel) may be booked for a couple of months, but hey take your rods down with a case of beer and who knows..
  5. Google it and see how they are raised,.......don't think you will eat it again.
  6. Hope that you Dan and the girls have a great time.........sorry I couldn't be there.
  7. Thanks boss, really good pertinent reminder..
  8. John


    In the sand..........
  9. John


    Well said x 2. We owe it to the resource to support our fellow fishermen and in this case provide a friendly reminder, preferably by PM. Rather can calling out the person that made the OP in front of all of his or her peers! I don't post on here much anymore tired of getting my chewed..........
  10. And to think I used to like you.............
  11. Very cute pup Brian...very lucky dog!
  12. John

    Hook Set

    Congrat's Nick, sure looks like a strong hook set to me!
  13. There is a Bass Pro in Auburn NY. Also Gander Mountain just off either 290 or 190, Google it.......
  14. Pretty cool Chris...........I'm still thinking about that CTS blank. Thought you might have done the pink though, it would have matched his eyes!........
  15. Dang Roy, I think that is only second time I have seen you without the hat! Great stuff guys, glad a great time was had by all. Sorry I couldn't get to say hi.
  16. Mike I would not go past Canon on Panasonic. Had Sony too but never has as good results. I am currently using a Panasonic Lumix DMC and it probably the best picture (for a dummy like me) that I have seen. Check out comparisons here www.dpreview.com John
  17. You are a sick man Simon....stop teasing us and just send the freakin' report when you get home.
  18. Thanks Bob, I pretty much always buy my clothes south of the border. Much better selection, sizes that actually fit and generally 50-60% of the price of the same stuff here. I am a big buy in Canada supporter, but, there is a limit....
  19. As a pure business phone perhaps you can explain how Blackberry has fallen way behind....
  20. Do you want a business phone with data capability or do you want something to play with in your spare time with access to hundreds (thousands) of apps...........where the phone is secondary. How many text messages a day do you send. Can you type on a touch screen or would you prefer a keyboard. Me, I can`t deal with a touch screen and could care less about the zillions of apps..........don`t use `em, but that`s just me, so I like the Blackberry Bold.
  21. Hey Cliff give me a shout and let me know when you want a deckhand
  22. Great response Art, that's why we pay you the big bucks!
  23. I really like them Rob. They take a little getting used to as far as setting the hook..........especially if you are used to hitting them hard. I find that taking up any slack and just leaning into them works and the rest takes care of itself. Main advantage, at least for me is that the incidence of gut hooked and throat hooked fish declines dramatically.
  24. Solid advice Peter. We all need to put our ego's away and do this.
  25. Very sweet pup Bruce, I know that he will have a wonderful home...
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