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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Nice read Mike, that is some day trip experience! Hope you had your ONC tourney sign with ya.... Cheers, Ron...
  2. If your talking this Friday, you may wanna check the regs. I think the Bridgenorth Causeway is still a sanctuary till the following Friday....
  3. He was a terrific person. Glad everything worked out for your daughter Big Cliff. Not to get side tracked, but I remember the first time I met him. Cupcake and i were on our way to Coldwater and we were going to meet up with John to drop off some lures as it was on our way through. He said he is always up by 6:30 in the AM. We knocks on the door, no answer.... We knock again, no answer. Being on a time frame to meet up with the MNR on a project, I tell cupcake to give me his phone number and I will call him. I give em a ring and his wife answers, "Hello" she says. "Hello, my name is Constable Ron Reyns, I am with the Durham Regional Police, we found your vehicle" I reply. All in a panic, she passes the phone off to John and i have to repeat the sentence again. "Are you sure it's my vehicle as i know mine is in the driveway" John replies. I say back to him as we are standing in his driveway "Do you own a (as I am looking right at his truck) 1999 Silver Chevrolet Colorado with the license plate number *** ***?" All I hear is "Hey Honey, some S O B stole our truck last night" and the next thing you know he comes barreling out of the house in his gotchies and sees us.... Well the look on his face when he realized it was me.... LMAO... I says to John, "Hi John, my name is Ron from the OFC Board, nice to meet you...." Man we had a a lot of laughs with that and shared many more afterwards. Sure do miss him.
  4. Great to hear Mike. That'll take a load off your back. Hey, send me a txt if you read this. Might be down your way this weekend...... Cheers, Ron...
  5. Don't believe everything you see on You Tube.... Just saying....
  6. 5 years on my blue tops so far. I don't think I have ever found a better maintenance free battery.
  7. I know, we are actually thinking about postponing our trip until Labour day weekend. Perhaps by then, the lake and rivers will be open.
  8. Of all the pictures, this one is the most meaningful to me. Excellent shot. Tells more to the story than any words you can add. A great moment shared right there. Cheers, Ron...
  9. Oh suck it up and take one for the team. The more snow you get up there, the less we get down here. lol
  10. Thanks for the tour Brian. excellent shot of the Light house, well cept for the cormorant nests.... hilarious of the cable and floats.... What some people will do to try and fish another 10 ft into a sanctuary......
  11. Hey, I installed the new warranty entrance door.
  12. The picture would be better if there were tire tracks over him too.
  13. Yes indeed it was a great show. Spent my fair share of coin, ironically, not on lures but on a new Revo. Now I got the itch to try it out. Gotta hand it to Mike and his wife Danna. They had a great booth and every chance I had to go over to chat, there was someone else buying more of his lures! I bet it was one of the busiest booths at the show. Very happy with the T's he set aside for me and just wait till you see what else the 2 buggars did for me! My only regret was to not get there for Sarics first seminar, it was all about casting. Unfortunately we only got to take in the trolling seminar and anyone that knows me, as soon as Jim said the word "trolling" I started to fall asleep. I'm sure it was a well appreciated talk, but i just couldn't keep my eyes open, sorry Jim. As much as I am not involved with MCI any more, a big hats off to the boys who made this work and fine tuned so well. Looking forward to the next one. Cheers, Ron...
  14. Float your fanny was a week too early!
  15. THE FISH LIFT HAS BEEN CANCELLED this year due to high flows, cold temperatures and rain.
  16. THE FISH LIFT HAS BEEN CANCELLED this year due to high flows, cold temperatures and rain.
  17. To me it don't matter what species it is, as long as I am CASTING for them, I'm happy. I hate trolling.
  18. Nice to see the cats in Fishmaster. We are thinking of coming down next weekend. We'll let you know. Cheers, Ron...
  19. I'[ll be there. Look for the guy wearing a Handlebarz T...
  20. Thanks for posting those pics MJL. That pretty much answers all the questions.
  21. Thanks for the kind words Mike but I think you are just blowing steam up my you know what. I have done nothing different than any friend would have done for you. You got a great product and it is great to see you sharing your passion with others. bottom line. With your very supportive family, child labour (jst kidding) and a great product, you will go a long way with this. Cheers, Ron...
  22. Your right Steve, It was originally planned for this weekend but with the weather forecast, they postponed til the 13th. I just got word myself @ 12:30. Earliest I could get back to the puter.....
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