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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. you dont gett the piont! not looking for birds....
  2. gut piles dont explain the drastic decline of huntable wildlife in certian regions within north america.? the birds dont make the kill (in this case)...? (do you want to hunt prey you can eat or/ sell thier pelts?) dont forget the human race is based on hunting and gathering . we have now evolved to being able to manage the ballance beetween killing to preserve food. not killing to make a few bucks..?? get my point?
  3. new beginnigs in life can be hard & painfull.. when long time friends help. its priceless!! well done friends are hard to find..
  4. so here we go .! almost involved in an accident 2nite south of tottenham because of a coyote. the person in front slammed on thier breaks an i was left with nowhere to go other than the oncomming lane. thank god it was clear .! this got me thinking! maby what we shoud do is trippel the amount we pay for fishing and hunting liceinces raise taxes on rual comunities especialy farmers round them all up (coyotes) hire 2000 transport trucks and ship them out west. that way they could help controll the prarrie dog population. while were at it why not round up all the cockroaches/bedbugs/gobyes and any otherthing that we concider pests or invasive. im shure we would all vote for higher taxes? or shoot the dam things. we are allowed to kill the above mentioned for the most part thank god the worst didnt happen tonite because the dam thing was chasing a CAT!!! SHOOT THEM!!
  5. just thinking that it woud be good to have dayly ice reports of lakes in central ontario . more for those that are not ready to call it done for this ice season. letts help keep it safe
  6. i lived there untill last october! i agree with the farmer!! if you nueder a pest it still needs to eat. whats it going to eat? its that simple (do you want to pay the money to hunt or protect a pest that doesnt belong here to begin with ? i know that type of attidude is fround apon . ) what do you think????
  7. 14th or 15 salty is in . good job!! fish rin shore breaking up yet?
  8. whats it like ? never been there. early spring ice stable? what about the fishing? so many questions .no body i know has any ansures?????
  9. you either make the jump into a good set up or not? if i put any one of my rods in your hands you would be sold in seconds.!! there is nothing that compares to having somthing that siutes you as you feel it . just ask any bow hunter or gun owner its all about feel and comfort . 350 pales in compareson to 1400 for a decent bow . you get what you pay for .i personaly buy new . i know what i have and where its been and how it will work for me! you cant get that out of run of the mill generic brands. (hope this helps)
  10. winter and ice fishing should be year round. i would go north but theirs no work. so i gotta wait for long weekends good freinds and bass..
  11. i was in that same boat afew years ago.. save your loonies and 2neys (it adds up fast) ask your famly members for gift certificates. get yourself a good spining reel and rodd . not a combo on sale .take your time save the money. be prepared to spend 250-350 you wont regret it .my first good sett was 350. it might take some getting used to and a few lost fish .but man it was worth it . i now have 3 combos to choose from (they all can interchange easly with good results. ps (keep them away from the kids)
  12. WOW!!! i have allot to learn. humbled....
  13. how mutch gear you dragin? i like to keep it simplel and lite
  14. ya man !what time / bla bla email me # we can figure it out. just got the pertch done about 2.5 puonds (fillets) im in
  15. IBP is no problem for me ! would like to meet new people that share the passion. my profile allows you to email me? it will be messy out there but well worth it i think! still looking for whytie this year.
  16. its all good ! full size trucks out today . wanna go 2moro where you heading out from? if we can meet up that woud l be cool ! i wana go for whyties.
  17. if any one needs help with wood ? let me know. thats my game.! mercman ill be shure and post the display case! godd job /adds a nice touch.
  18. back now / pollitics have no place here! protect the investment of all those that abide by the rules and pay for it! (hunters) if coytes are left unchecked than there will be nothing left . thry are stong tough and at the top of the food chain in central ontario. having said that i would mutch prefer to see a courger over a coyte!
  19. just telling like itis (southern ontario should be aloud to shout them on site. if you are a land owner north of GTA with a firearms licence . ) shut up and do it! thats my take on this. chow4now going fishing in the morning.
  20. i would be a fool not to agree with billybob. thats what im trying to say .!! something is wrong up their. science . bring on the MNR and any univercity that wants to preserve what ae have worked hard to maintain by following the rules otherwise it will just dissapear. PS so far i have seen 6 cyotys here!!! ya! 2 along lakeshore@park lawn and 4 north of the old mill (humber vally revine) where i currently am working. (whats up with that?)
  21. i lived there .untill october of last year! saw courgers / and everything that goes on out their on a dayly basis. i miss it now only because im living in T.O on a temp basis . i will be going back! ill be the first in line for a cyoty tag!!! as for the 4 fawns i heard it from a local that i respect and trust. at the same time deer tags suddenly seem to be a waste of monney??? can you tell me why?
  22. hmmmm? what i would like to know is why would would amy one put thier beloved seniors or let them go? they raised us and sacraficed for us. cant we do the same???? as for criminnals / punnishment should fit the crime(eye for an eye) no! but investing in finding out what why they committed a crime and fixing that dissorder makes more scence than giving them a free ride. ??? not to say that all crimminals can can be brought back to sociaty. some deserve to never see another sunrise or sunset. in general no free rides. we dont get it why should they?
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