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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Is it true that a person going through a seperation or devorce must have the aproval of thier EX in order to posess or apply for their PAL. without any convictins (crimminal) ? I ask because my father left me guns ? at the wrong time So what do I DO??? I know about all of the stipulations regarding mental illness. (they dont apply) So what do I do?? In asking this I know that my ex would not grant me the rite to posess thees guns that have been in my family since I was a boy learning how to shoot...??? (spite) Don. What do I do???????
  2. OK.. Got it. Not worth it.
  3. I need more than that. All batteries have the potencial to start fires or mallfunction. question still stands. do they make lithium batteries for marine use?
  4. Stupid question to start the day... What about lithium ion ?? (like battery powered drills and such)? Quick charge long life compact lite wieght? Are they out there? Looking to buy a good long life battery...
  5. So wheres your finger now??? But seriously there is a product called skunk B gone. TSC carrys it as well as vets . it works great. For tonite make them sleep on an old blanket after they are compleetly bathed.(blanket will be garbage tomorow) Tomorow first thing GET SKUNK B GONE bath them in it at least twice. The smell wont be compleetly gone but barable. Baby powder helps to draw the smell out in the next few weeks. but you have to bath them at least once a week. (head and shoulders works best) No mater what you use now the smell will stick with them for at least 3 weeks just keep them kleen and well groomed. I think we might have a new nick name for you?
  6. JUST my 2 cence.. dogs have a verry different mettabolisim than humans. Spoon fed dogs will often get sick in the company of othrer strange dogs and high stress levels as well as different foods. Case in piont... A human that does not eat meat on a regular basis will get sick if they eat meat.. If the diet of your dog is drastickley altered it will get sick. Although I wasnt there I could see this being the case because all the dog owners probably were to busy having fun to watch everything their dog was getting into. I know I am guilty ... And the older a dog is the harder it affects them. There might of been somthing bad that all the dogs affected ate.(carcus)? Just sayin..
  7. TO mutch
  8. That looks incredible!! I would fit rite in. My kind of fun. WHATS NEXT??
  9. Mine is a fishing lure that my cousin gave to me about 35yrs ago for my birthday. It cought my first of many big bass and it is still my go to lure if conditions are rite. the real name is waterdawg but I always called it saltydawg bacause I always put a salted Mr twister on it.(thanks to my dad). Nailed so many its stupid!! So if any one has one they are willing to let go. I WANT IT!!! 20$ I would like to collect all of them(different colours) Saltydawg
  10. So where does the engine and rod holders go?
  11. Well done Mr&Mrs Mecman Fishing is like that a lot of patience and then KAOS Gota love it!! That is an OFC hat ? rite?
  12. What a shame. A great sax master. Tenth avenue freez out born to run lost in the flood so many going through my haed to many to list. He will be missed..
  13. It would seem to me that if you are concerned about it then go to a doctor. If you dont want to see a doctor I can give you some advice to kill whatever is in there?? You done having kidds?
  14. DOESNT look like any kind of tick or bourring parisite I have ever seen.. Is it posible that it could be a spider bite?? How are the spiders where you are?(bite) They are having a good year so far in central Ontario again. I got bit a couple years ago and it looked very mutch the same. If your not shure go see a Doctor? Just my thought? 4 what its worth?
  15. 2002 front passanger Jetta ? If so pm me. pls. Thanks.
  16. Verry nice rod and fish Good loking boat to but it would look better with a Boston logo on it. Have a great wknd. Good luck.
  17. Thanks HT apple is 24hrs price 302 + tax. Cookstown auto parts 75 for the glass. So guess what Im doing today. No fishing for me! Rackin frackin stupid people and cars!!!
  18. The passenger side front window got broken last nite. 2000 Jetta. I would like to get this fixed today. Any sudjestions? Park lawn and QE area. Thanks.
  19. Teenage boys and young men(boys) are stupid!!! If they just go hang with their girlfriends they would greet the world with a smile on their face tomoro.!! STUPID ... Cant reason with them...
  21. HMMM What to say?? BOSTON KICKS
  22. yep GO BOSTON
  23. It wasnt you. Any fan of BOSTON is Ok by me.
  24. My favorite place in the world with my kidds cousin and his bride to be along with family and childhood friends. Fishing yes but it comes in second their. Think we will be leaving the Bass alone as there was no sign of them on the May long weekend and my 37yrs of fishing sudjest they might not be done standing gaurd. On the CANADA DAY long weekend. Either that or somthing verry bad happend to this little Bass lake. Hope not.
  25. SWEET PERTCH So mutch for pike bait..
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