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Everything posted by moxie

  1. What the NHL should do is allow only the top 2 teams in every division to make the post season. This 50 percent success rate is watered down rediculous.
  2. Part of the learning process. Its been 50 years. A little perspective is needed It aint gonna flip overnight but at least there is evidence the organization aspires to achieve the same goal their fans have yearned for forever.
  3. Thats right. Either Golfing and/or Fishing.
  4. I have a few set ups for Perch . 5'6" -6'6" light to ultra light . One for tossing bobbers, one for small cranks and another for drop shotting. 500-1000 series reels spooled with 10lb Crystal tipped with flouro leaders.
  5. Ice pellets here in Whitby. Power is flowing for now. A bit slick but if you listen to the radio you' think the end of the world is upon us.
  6. Ive been using a 70lb pd for the last 5 years. The previous one had a 54" shaft and the new one a 60" shaft. Good power and enough shaft so the prop stays in the water even with a decent chop. i believe they still come with a 54" shaft.
  7. If you aren't satisfied with my reply i can elaborate further. Just say so.
  8. Ive always said there are 2 types of fans. Team fans and sports fans . No defence, no size and most of all No Team Toughness (GRIT). I've watched Boston slap your leafs around for 120 minutes so far Chris. I've also watched all but 2 games of this years playoffs. How many team fans can say that? I'm guessing not many. Out shooting an opponent means nothing if you score less than they do. What you do without the puck matters. There are after all 2 teams on the ice. Dont get me wrong , theyre a good young team but it takes a bit more than an offence only model to make any significant run in the playoffs. Like Justin Trudeau, they are lacking. They just aren't ready. Ask yourself what is more likely to happen. Boston loses 4 of the next 5 or the leafs win 4 of the next 5 ? I'll put the pipe down and make an appointment with an Optometrist if you promise to learn a thing or two about hockey. And i say that with all the love i can afford any Team Only Fan.
  9. What an impressive display of utter dominance. Boston might not need 4 games to close out this series. 2 seasons away from challenging for a cup? Not if 15 other teams make the playoffs.
  10. Only had a few left where I bought mine.
  11. Wish it was that easy Dan but for anyone who has lost someone they care about especially where suffering is involved ithe pain never gets easier or goes away, you just learn to better deal with it. If you're lucky.
  12. I use a trolling plate and to help with steering I've added a notch between full up and full down position. For added maneuverability you can also drill holes on the face of the plate.
  13. Theres a motel right as you get into town and the launch is around the corner. Fished many times during our Muskie phase and although we caught a bunch, some of the fish we saw were better than 48". The local pro to ask is Stacey Ash at Pro Tackle. I believe he still takes clients out from time to time but is always generous with information.
  14. Wind would keep me from going out but as wind seems to be an ever growing contant variable i am learning to fish with it. Planning ahead and choosing lake with a higher percentage of fishable water in relarion to wind direction, species to target and tecnique. A good trolling motor, anchor(s) and drift sock can assist in holding a particular spot or area. Like anything else , if you do it enough you become accustomed to it and it becomes easier to focus on strikes. I think they call it "Addapting". If you want to fish you will find a way.
  15. My Crestliner was from North Carolina originally and has both U.S and Cdn plates.
  16. The plates on my truck have no skin what so ever.. One of Durhams finest pulled my wife over last week and warned her that shed be handed a ticket one of these times if they werent replaced. Mine are well past 5 years and don't plan to pay for something that used to last decades. Par for the course with the band of idiots running Queens Park. I just take a sharpie to it from time to time.
  17. I believe as stated that its purely a liability issue. If you remember the story of the school teacher in Whitby that went for a jog and never returned until he was found lakeside. The most likely scenario was that he made his way out to the pier and probably slipped and ended up in the water.. Silly legislaters think they can eliminate the "crap Happens" component which is a part of everyday life i guess instead of making sure my garbage is picked up on time and the water and lights stay on.
  18. Outside the box.Great read. Thnx for sharing
  19. Go do it ! But one caveat Get what you know will serve your needs for the long run. Be responsible but spend as much as you can afford to...... and then some. Don't leave room for regrets. Not everyone has 30 to 50k stuffed under their matress . Don't lose sleep over paynents either. You can wait a lifetime to scrimp and save and might eventually have enough to pay it outright but by then you might have to spend it on adult diapers or someone else will spend it for you on some sweet flowers and your casket instead and that ain't no fun. Live it while you can cause life has no guarantees .
  20. By the way. Bill nailed it. Video says it all.
  21. Im guessing he's still dead right? Does it matter?
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