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Everything posted by moxie

  1. I doubt it would help . Carolinas on the same type of run Vegas was on last year. Thats just the will to win. Bet leaf fans wish their team had some of that.
  2. Carolina / Islanders . Shame someone had to lose that game tonight. Leafs and their fans can only wish to ice that kind of game. Wow!
  3. Maybe he just isnt built that way and thats really too bad for them cause i see more than a few players of all talent levels doing everything to win . This team is full of passengers. Just like their (non- hockey fans) . Went dark in a hurry as predicted.
  4. Watching the Jackets play i doubt the leafs would've been able to withstand the punishment alone. Theyre gonna need more than just a couple of defencemen and Doobass is the wrong guy job the job cause intangibles dont chart on a graph.
  5. You cannot hang this on him. He did more than enough for them to win the series. 1 goal ?
  6. https://images.app.goo.gl/hEeXGNQZPma5paSa6
  7. Mediocrity strikes again. At least the Stanley Cup is sitting in the Hall of Fame if any leaf fans or players wanna have a look at it this summer.
  8. Gardiner is having a beau........ ill wait till its done.
  9. Losing this one will be a bitter pill to swallow considering it was there for the taking. If Boston takes the series it wont be because the better team won. It will be because the leafs lost it.
  10. Theres nothing more intense than Desperation. Should be fun to watch.
  11. Uh oh!!!! Only themselves to blame. GO BRUINS ?
  12. You're right Chris. Im sorry. Just one thing if i may? My dad watched it on a black and white tv. He even went to the parade. Said it was Holly Makanna type pandemonium. 52 years ago. But hey, you just never know.
  13. Tampa eliminated but has won a cup in the last 52 years. Pittsburgh has also been eliminated and have won multiple cups in the last 52 years. The islanders - multiple cups in the last 52 years. Boston - multiple cups in the last 52 . Detroit- multiple cups in the last 52. Montreal- multiple cups the last 52. Colorado - multiple cups in the last 52 . Edmonton- multiple cups in the last 52. Los Angeles- multiple cups the last 52. Calgary- cup the last 52. Dallas-cup in the last 52. Carolina- cup in the last 52. Washington- cup in the last 52. Pretty sure ive missed a few. Now onto teams that have made the finals in the last 52 years..... No hatred, no trolling. My apologies if it may rub leaf fans the wrong way but its Fact and cannot be denied. Cmon 53!!!!!!
  14. Nope. A 1st round win since ???? No praise to give 52 years of failure. When all the other orig 6 teams have won at least 1 and teams from Carolina and Florida have won there isnt much credit to give to that.
  15. You shouldnt be stunned Matt. Theyre bound to win a few games. A few games does not a Championship make and that inevitability will reveal itself once again. Its in the DNA.
  16. 1 game , 1st game of the playoffs and in typical Fanatic fashion, the championship is theirs. My late father was a Juventus fanatic and i used to push his buttons all the time. Man do i miss razzing him about that. There are distinct differences between him, his fanaticism and leaf fans. He was intelligent and a True student of the Game, and his beloved team was a tried and true perennial Champion. Hate away and enjoy it while you can fellas, the disappoimtment and self loathing will soon follow. Guatanteed.
  17. Most certainly. He picked on the wrong breed.
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