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Everything posted by moxie

  1. In the Scuro. Thats where leaf fanatics' heads are. Hey Scuro #2, what happened to #1 ? Incident involving broken glass?
  2. The window licking hoards' shorts are already in a knot. 52 years heartache and shame will continue. Lick, Lick, Lick.
  3. Its only temporary Art. Very important remember the delicate phsyce of a fanatic. Predictable but volatile.
  4. Naw he's triggered by me. I might be angry but nothing compared to the anger a leaf fanatic possesses. Its Other Worldly
  5. But wait Matt....Best Coach and fans in the whole world Matt...... 'We' made the playoffs and with some potential, luck and bounces any thing can happen Matt..........Analytics and Vegas said so Matt...... we're winners even when 'We' lose. And Ottawa Sucks Matt !!! So there!!! How's the saying go? Bang your head into a wall over and over, expecting a different result every time? Not the brightest but the Best fans in the world.
  6. Why Thank you!! Calling them as i see them. I also dont run to the insullted and offended reporting centre. I will add some of my expertise just the same. I firmly believe that if the leafs score 1 more goal than their opposition, they will win games. Playing to their Potential along with a few lucky bounces would aid them in that endeavour .
  7. Naw. That's an insult.Waaaaa!!!! I'm gonna tell Art. Waaaaaaa!!!
  8. The experts have spoken. It's all about playing to Potential, luck and bounces. Better break out a new bib. This one's soaked.
  9. Go easy Matt. There's a lot of thin skinned fragility in this room at the moment Their Laffs Loving Prince Christopher is liable to have you B@LLS Deep into someone or hanging in your own garage for your Hate. Also remember that playing to their Potential, some luck and bounces they COULD......GO.......ALL......THE....WAY!!!!!!
  10. We'll see who's left Weeping like a Schoolgirl when they are tossed from the playoffs. Once again.
  11. Oh it's falling. It just hasn't hit the ground. Yet.
  12. Probably still huddled in the fetal position in a corner of a dark room.
  13. More reason to lock this drivel riddled thread down. We'll get there eventually
  14. I wouldn't get to amped up about it. Fanatics like Chris are led to derangement which is beyond their control. The fact they lose sleep when they're blue coloured toilet bowl circling team loses and unrealistic euphoria when they win a couple of games, speaks for itself.
  15. Pretty hateful Anger Management type stuff eh?
  16. I prefer to cut , bread and fry Squid but if balls deep into one is your preference, don't let anyone stop you. Hatred is consuming isn't it Chris. Almost as consuming as that collection of wannabes you pursue. Almost. Nothing wrong with me Chris. I'm not the one losing sleep when a sports team , that will never know or care you exist and aint won you anything your whole life, is something to lose sleep over. Passion? Or Misery.
  17. I'm curious. Does posting your own obvious and regurgitated comments from media dough heads make them original?
  18. Original? Moxie couldn't care less. How's that?
  19. There it is!!!! What are they waiting for?!?!?! Call the engraver already!!!!
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