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Everything posted by moxie

  1. True but...... Spewing? LMAO........ Thats what "leaf nation " does. Team? I follow no team. Its a fruitless pursuit. I gain nothing from it. Not worth valuable time and emotion better spent on more important things. Its simply entertainment with no attatchment. Unlike a member of "leaf nation" , I am not subjected to ongoing misery (5 Decades) and disappointment. Ditto for that other so called NHL embarassment from Ontario. Sorry man. Just the way i see it.
  2. Not all of them. Missing a D stud and a tier 2 D man. At least.Not to mention some tools with with bite. Sheesh!!! Why not dig up Imlach? Remember before Babcock was with Detroit he was with Anaheim when they won their cup.Might have an idea what it takes to win. No way. Take a closer look. Nylanders hands might be a bit softer than Matthews.
  3. Defence and grit. Defence is the glaring weakness but they stopped hitting while Boston kept it up until they swung it in their favour. Game, set and the next 60 minutes should be Match.
  4. No skin in the game JB. If their vust fortifying the padded room there wont be any dough left.to buy what they really need.
  5. Cmon JB Stop it! You know how much it costs to add padding to those walls?
  6. Doesnt matter what they've done previously cause the season isnt 82 games long. And they'll be going on vacation soon enough.
  7. Anyone in their right mind would understand that and find perpective but were talking about "leaf nation " here where every goal, bad call, injury etc swings moods like some "the world is against me"whack job clad in a straight jacket bouncing from padded wall to padded wall between med intake. The key is progression and this year aint that. Sens fans especially, would know how deep that hole of regression can be.
  8. Isnt this year 2 of a projected 5 year rebuild ? What did you "leaf nation" Numpties expect? Take a 420 break and chill out. Or not.
  9. Sure can. Both Torontos for coughing it up and Bostons Team Defence for closing down the neutral zone and collapsing like well built, gritty playoff team should. . And the kids stopped hitting last night. Ya aint gonna make or find room if the opposition isnt afraid to stand there.
  10. Dont think hes the man for the job. Besides, does Lou even know where he is ?
  11. The better team won and will finish the leafs off but Chara is no beast . Hes slow but his reach lets him get away with that missing step. If not for that span he would be done..
  12. 60 min away from golf and fishing season.
  13. You shouldnt take it back. It was part of the conversation and im good with that Chris. I do respect that you confronted me directly unlike the thin skinned marshmellows around here.
  14. Never happen Theyre bigger sucks than leaf fans Or is it "leaf nation". Ill go hide for 12 months till this disaster comes full circle once more. Talk next year.
  15. If this is aimed at me. A reminder. Ive dumped on the leafs and their fans for a long time and feel no need to justify what i say to no one. Ever.. There was a time i cared. That time has since passed.
  16. Always. Like i said theyre a good young team and should find their way . Just keep wins and losses in perspective.
  17. I dont know!! I use the internet to make me seem intelligent.
  18. Take your time. 5 decades of dashed hopes and shattered dreams can have a negative effect on ones psyche. Good luck.
  19. Although all teams make them just look in the area of Bostons net and you'll see the ultimate blunder. Ruin a season no but ruin a decade , YES.
  20. You are welcome .Just trying to help out. By the way, I would advise you and other like minded fans over the age of 1o to refrain from uttering "leaf nation" . Just say over in your head a few times and you will understand what I mean. Good luck.
  21. All you distraught leaf only fans take a look at the Flyers/Pens game on now. Phillly wasnt even discussed in the same conversation with the likes of Crosby and co but they didnt wait to get home to put the Pens on notice. They pushed right back in game 2 and are imposing their will at the moment in game 3. Leafs aint built to push back. Yet.
  22. Buddy sent me a picture from 5 years ago yesterday. It was supposed to be cool but calm and we got wind,sleet and snow. If it wasnt for the Osprey swooping down and coming up talons full of Crappie the day would have been a write off. It happens. The positive is we have to run into warmer weather one way or another.
  23. Maybe top 4-6 teams teams Max? And that point that rewards overtime losers , Be done with it.
  24. Then you'll end up with what baseball had until they added the wildcards. Empty ball parks. Although with the tolerance for pain, despair and disappointment leaf fans display year after year and still fill the coffers , the owners need not worry.
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